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Home News Winter Universiade 2019 brand takes the title at international design contest

Winter Universiade 2019 brand takes the title at international design contest

22 July 2019

Even event designers from Krasnoyarsk 2019 Winter Universiade winning gold medals as The Look of the Winter Universiade 2019 project took home the precious medal from the European Product Design Award Event, an international product design contest. The creative team tasked with bringing the Siberian region to successful graphic interpretation was a home town collaboration as “the look” of the 29th Winter Universiade was developed by ArtStyle Design Group of Krasnoyarsk.


“Successful organization of the Winter Universiade Krasnoyarsk 2019 has already received high estimates from representatives of FISU and the International Winter Sports Federations,” said Maxim Urazov, Winter Universiade 2019 Director General. “Now the Winter Universiade 2019 has earned another recognition—the brand of our Games has won an international award! Thanks to professional and creative work of our colleagues, guests and participants of the competitions will long have pleasant memories of the Universiade festive atmosphere.”


The Look of the Winter Universiade 2019 project embraced the main Universiade attributes, namely the torch and the cauldron of the Universiade Flame, U-Laika mascot, medals and award podiums, and the complex design of the event sports facilities, airport and other public spaces.


“For the concept of the Winter Universiade 2019, we aimed to reflect a combination of sports and territorial peculiarities of the host city,” said ArtStyle CEO, Igor Bashkatov. “The look of the Games symbolizes sports movement and dynamic elements of the Siberian nature: strong wind, ice, the river, architectural and natural sights. All these were combined in the original graphics of the Winter Universiade brand. We are so glad that the final result of our work was recognized and appreciated. My congratulations to the whole team of the Design Group and our partners on their victory!”

 The ignition of the Universiade cauldron caught the attention of an international audience as more than 50million viewers tuned in to watch the opening ceremonies of the Krasnoyarsk 2019 Winter Universiade

According to the terms of European Product Design Award-2019, the projects participating in the Event Design nomination were grade on 10 distinct criterion: innovation, aesthetics, functionality, ergonomics, durability, impact on the consumer, utility, environmental compatibility, manufacturability and production possibility, as well as an emotional factor.


The international European Product Design Award is held annually for the most striking successes and achievements in product design. The jury is composed of international experts, independent designers, leading teachers and journalists. Jury members are assigned categories based on their specificity and design experience. All projects are considered and evaluated at random and anonymously to ensure impartial and fair judging.

‘The Look’ of the 29th Winter Universiade is still very much prevalent in the heart of Siberia