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Home News FISU reveals the 2025 FISU World University Games host for both winter and summer editions.

FISU reveals the 2025 FISU World University Games host for both winter and summer editions.

15 May 2021

© Land NRW/Bowinkelmann

Both hosts are familiar with FISU events and have hosted previous FISU World University Games, formerly known as Universiade. FISU will travel to Turin for the winter edition and Rhine-Ruhr for the summer edition of the FISU Games.


2025 will start in Italy. “Turin will have the honor of hosting this great event in 2025,” comments President of CUS Torino Riccardo D’Elicio following the FISU Executive Committee’s decision to attribute the Turin 2025 FISU World University Games. “After two years of hard work, I must thank the whole team of CUS Torino. It is an honor and a privilege to have the chance to experience the emotions of the 2007 edition once again. This event will promote our territory and Turin as a city with a strong academic vocation. It will be a unique opportunity for the Italian university sport movement”. At this occasion, CUSI was represented by its President, Antonio Dima, who reaffirmed the strong support of the Italian federation for the bid of FISU Games 2025.


Later in the year, all eyes will move to Germany and the North Rhine-Westphalia, in the region of the Rhine-Ruhr. “We are very happy with the trust placed in us and the decision of FISU, which is of historic importance both for German University Sports and for German Sports as a whole,” says Jörg Förster, Chairman of the adh Board. “We will seize this opportunity and together with our partners we will host this major event and combine sport and science in an exemplary way. The conceptual focus of the Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU World University Games will be on social, ecological and economic sustainability topics as well as on innovation and participation. With these main aspects and the close involvement of the academic fields during the preparation and implementation the Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU World University Games can serve as an incubator for processes of change in sport and in the metropolitan region of Rhine-Ruhr. Apart from this they should provide longer term development impulses in society as a whole – especially in regard to intensive involvement of students “.


The FISU World University Games is the largest student-athlete competition in the world. No doubt that 2025 will reserve some amazing sports and unforgettable memories thanks to these two experienced hosts.


FISU Acting President Leonz Eder concludes: “we recently had the opportunity to travel to both hosts for some inspection visits. I can only say how honored we are to have two very strong partners to organise our 2025 FISU World University Games. FISU looks forward to the continued cooperation on the road to 2025 and beyond with CUS Torino, adh and all involved partners”.


photos by: © Land NRW/Bowinkelmann 

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