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Home News FISU Secretary-General meets AUSF, FUSC and City Authorities in Beijing

FISU Secretary-General meets AUSF, FUSC and City Authorities in Beijing

3 September 2014


FUSC presented a progress report of the 2016 WUC 3×3 Basketball 

BEIJING – Starting from 31 August, FISU Secretary-General/CEO Mr. Eric Saintrond is paying a visit in Beijing, P.R.China. A very intensive schedule has been arranged during his stay in this headquarters city of the Asian University Sports Federation (AUSF) and the Federation of University Sports of China (FUSC).

On his first day, Mr. Eric Saintrond went to the Capital University of Physical Education and Sports, accompanied by FISU Education Committee member and President of the university, Mr. Bingshu Zhong. During the meeting, Mr. Zhong introduced the sport education structure in China, constituted by the vocational training system and the student-athletes system.

Mr. Bingshu Zhong (l) introduced the Chinese sport education structure to FISU SG/CEO Saintrond (r)

After the meeting, Mr. Eric Saintrond was shown to the Asian University Sports Federation Education and Development Centre, which is located on this campus. The AUSF Education and Development Centre has been recently founded following the decision of the AUSF General Assembly in August 2014.  Aiming at strengthening communication between AUSF and its member associations and providing knowledge transfer, this education and development centre will organise various programmes targeting at coaches, technical officials and organising committee staff of sporting events in the coming future.

A visiting was paid to the Federation of the University Sports of China as well. Received by the Vice-President and Secretary-General, Mr. Liguo Yang together with his directors of the competition department and international relations department, Mr. Saintrond introduced the concept of the FISU special event – the 3X3 basketball league. The Chinese Federation showed very strong interests in this project, as they are also the host of the 2016 World University 3X3 Basketball Championship. Further discussion will be carried out in the coming weeks to reach more details on the potential hosting of this event in China.

Mr. Xiaochao Yang (r) received a FISU gift from SG/CEO Saintrond (l)

A dinner meeting was hosted by the Vic-Mayor of Beijing and Vice-President of the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games Bid Committee, Mr. Xiaochao Yang, and the Vice Secretary-General of Beijing and Secretary-General of the Bid Committee, Ms. Yulan Hou. “The city of Beijing has a long time friendship with FISU”, Mr. Yang mentioned at the beginning of the dinner, “the 2001 Summer Universiade was the first international major multi-sport event held in China.” During this dinner meeting, the two parties exchanged their ideas and views on hosting of major winter events as well as its legacy, and discussed the possibilities of sending an observing delegation to the 2015 Winter Universiade in Spain and Slovakia to explore, experience and enjoy the international university students winter sport festival.


(Source: Ren Yuan, FISU Media Dept.)