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Home News Future Universiade host cities present during day two of the FISU Executive Committee meetings

Future Universiade host cities present during day two of the FISU Executive Committee meetings

3 March 2018

FISU also awards two editions of the FISU Forum to Budapest in 2020 and Kiev in 2022


LAUSANNE — With FISU having just wrapped up a successful start to the 2018 World University Championships with the Ski Orienteering event in Estonia last week, day two of the FISU Executive Committee meetings centred on the preparations underway for future FISU events.



Before the day’s events turned to sports, the FISU executive board heard from two prospective hosts for FISU Forum 2020: Budapest, Hungary and Kiev, Ukraine.



The FISU Forum is a premiere educational event, with the mission of promoting the global University Sports Movement. Held every other year since 1992, the Forum is the meeting ground for students, sport leaders, and leading educators in the fields of physical education and sports development.



Budapest’s FISU Forum bid

The Hungarian University Sports Federation and the University of Physical Education of Budapest brought the Hungarian bid forth, with Hungarian NUSF Secretary-General Dr. Mozes Szekely and the international relations director of University of Physical Education Dr. habil Judit Kadar representing the Budapest bid at the executive committee meetings.



In Budapest, the Forum would be held on the University of Physical Education, the country’s flagship sports university and the oldest institution in Europe with a sports education focus. Forum attendees would be housed on the university campus, a vibrant capital city that boasts 165,000 students.



During deliberations, committee members spoke about the Hungarian NUSF’s history and expertise in hosting international sporting events. Hungary’s legacy within University Sports goes back to nearly the beginning of the Movement, having hosted both the 1935 World University Games and 1965 Summer Universiade.



Hungary’s expertise isn’t only historic, with the Hungarian organising committee in the city of Miskolc earning the Best 2016 World University Championship award at the 2017 FISU Gala for their organisation of the 20th World University Orientation Championship.



The city of Budapest has also shown great ambitions to host international sports events, which includes holding the 2017 FINA World Championships in swimming and bidding to host the Olympic Summer Games 2024.



Kiev’s FISU Forum bid

Perhaps it’s no surprise that Kiev, with former heavyweight champion of the world and university graduate Vitali Klitschko as the city’s mayor that they would bid to bring a premiere educational event like the FISU Forum to the Ukrainian capital city.



A country that consistently sends strong delegations to FISU events, in 2020 Ukraine joins the growing list of new nations that will host World University Championship events for the first time, with both Shooting Sport and Waterski WUC events coming to the Baltic nation in 2020.



Kiev is showing even more ambitions as a sports event destination with the city set to host the 2018 UEFA Championships League Final in May. The Kiev bid was brought forward by the Sport Student’s Union of Ukraine and would take place on the country’s Olympic base facilities just outside the city’s downtown core.



FISU Forum Attribution


Taking to heart that FISU had two excellent bids from two active sports capitals, it didn’t take long for the FISU Executive Committee to award both the 2020 and 2022 editions of the FISU Forum. By concurrently awarding the 2020 Forum to Budapest and the 2022 event to Kiev, FISU ensured a “win-win-win” situation for the educational efforts of the international University Sport Movement.


Napoli 2019 Summer Universiade



With the Napoli 2019 Summer Universiade coming up in just one year from this July, recently appointed special commissioner Mrs. Luisa Latella led the five member Napoli 2019 organising committee team presentation in Lausanne.



Joining Mrs. Latella were CUSI President Lorenzo Lentini, CUSI Secretary General Antonio Dima, Secretary General of European Olympic Committees Rafaele Pagnozzi and ARU General Director Gianluca Basile.



Mrs. Latella outlined the progress Napoli 2019 organisers had made in the tender process for workforce procurement, technology, media and technology, and security.



Speaking about the competition areas that will play centre stage for the 250 medal events at Summer Universiade 2019, Mr. Lentini emphasised that the field of play would be of the highest quality.



“We did have to build any sports sites, only renovate,” Mr. Lentini said. This renovation-not-build point was one that FISU First Vice-President Leonz Eder also emphasised in the internal report to FISU Executive Committee members.



As part of FISU’s philosophy of helping organising committees invest in efficient and creative solutions, Mrs. Latella reported on the proceedings for the acquisition of cruise ships for the 2019 event that will serve as the backbone of the main Athletes’ Village that will reside inside the Porto di Napoli, in the heart of downtown Napoli.



Mrs. Latella reported that the accommodation of one cruise ship during the Summer Universiade has been chosen and already secured, with the announcement that the use of two other cruise ships would be finalised next week. The special commissioner also noted that the procurement of the forth and final cruise ship should also come not long after.


 A bird’s eye view of Napoli and its harbor area that will play a central part in the 30th Summer Universiade

“The missing beds will be covered by hotels,” Mr. Lentini said in explaining the innovative Athletes’ Village plan in place for Summer Universiade 2019. A large portion of these hotels will be in held in Napoli’s eastern city neighbour of Salerno that will serve as a satellite Athletes’ Village for fencing, football and volleyball competitors.



With the next FISU Executive Committee meeting set for September in Salerno, the FISU Executive Committee will get a personal view of how these accommodations will work as part of the Summer Universiade organisers accommodation plans.



President Matytsin emphasised the confidence that FISU had in the Napoli 2019 team and said FISU would assist in any way it could. “We understand that Italy has great experience in sport and CONI’s (Italian National Olympic Committee) deep involvement in the upcoming Universiade,” President Matytsin said.


Taipei 2017 Summer Universiade Final Report


The events of this past summer in Taipei have already etched in the minds of sport management professional memories for its high-quality fields of play, record-setting performances and exceptional spectator support.



While the Universiade torch has been passed from Taipei to Napoli for the 70th anniversary of FISU’s founding, the lessons from the 29th Summer Universiade are already paying dividends for FISU’s transfer of knowledge efforts with future Universiade organising committees.



FISU Summer Universiade Director Marc Vandenplas led FISU’s presentation. Joining Mr. Vandenplas were FISU Sport Management Committee member Jean-Paul Clemencon, FISU Summer Universiade Deputy Director Jing Zhao, and Summer Universiade Sport Assistant Brian Carrer.



During the organising committee part of the report, Taipei 2017 Deputy CEO Shin-Ming You led a seven member strong team through a comprehensive review of hosting the Summer Universiade.


Joining Mr. You for the report were Taipei 2017 CEO Chuen Ming Hsueh, Taipei 2017 Deputy CEO Pei Lin Tsai, FISU Conference Chairperson Hsia Ling Tai, FISU Conference Deputy Secretary General You Chi Wen, and CTUSF Secretary General Chingyu Tseng.



For Mr. Vandenplas and two of this Summer Universiade colleagues, Taipei 2017 was the first Universiade they had worked on for the full event lifecycle, having been there from Taipei’s winning host city candidacy through to the closing ceremony last August.



“We have seen how to build a great event like the Taipei Summer Universiade from the very beginning, through the master planning process to the final delivery,” Mr. Vandenplas said about this experience. “I would say it was a very big success marked by a cooperation and collaboration between FISU and Taipei that was better than I could have even imagined. This fantastic teamwork is what led to this Summer Universiade to being such a great success.”



Taipei 2017’s You echoed Mr. Vandenplas’ sentiments saying, “Taipei was a big success in this regard beyond our wildest expectations.”



Mr. You also said that Taipei 2017 event ambassador Bravo was so well-received by the city that residents worried about his employment prospects once the Summer Universiade came to an end. “Don’t worry about Bravo,” Mr. You said about the cuddly, adorable mascot. “He’s been hired by Taipei City to be the city’s representative.”



The only difference now is that Bravo has traded in wearing a Universiade gold medal around his chest for another gold medal, this one representing Taipei City.  



“When you attributed the games to us in 2011, you made a dream come true: thank you,” Mr. You said at the end of the Taipei 2017 report.



FISU World Conference on Development through Sport Final Report



In line with the federation’s educational aims, the Universiade host city holds a four-day FISU World Conference as a global platform for academic and culture exchange centred around University Sport. The Taipei 2017 Summer Universiade continued this FISU event tradition, putting on an event that drew international scholars for research presentations and breakout sessions with attendees.



A conference highlight came with the naming of the 2017 FISU Young Research Award to Dian Caesaria Widyasari who studies at the University of Indonesia. Ms. Widyasari’s winning research focused on healthy future generations and how to get students to live healthier in Indonesia.




Another event of note during the World Conference was the running of the global competition on sports innovation. The HYPE Foundation’s Global Sports Innovation Final took place during the conference and saw 73 applications get whittled down to one winner: Chasewind. The Chasewind innovators designed cycling glasses that provide riders with visual information through wireless sensors and GPS navigation that make riding bikes both a safer and a more interesting experience.



World University Championships and World University League Report



FISU Vice President Marian Dymalski led a comprehensive presentation on the ongoing and upcoming World University Championships and World University League events on the FISU sports calendar.



Joining Mr. Dymalski for the presentations were FISU Executive Committee member Fernando Parente, FISU WUC/WUL Director Paulo Ferreira, WUC Coordinator Pauline Hamonic, WUC Coordinator Julien Carrel, and WUC Junior Assistant Fiona Testuz.



The 2018 WUC is the most ambitious Championships season in the history of international University Sport as there are 34 events on the 2018 calendar. In its 28th season, the Mr. Ferreira said FISU expects a record number of 8,000 participants to compete in this year’s WUC events. Showing the global nature of this competition series, 26 countries will host WUC events in 2018.



In 2020, the WUC sports programme will introduce cluster events for the first time, with Malaysia hosting the Combat Sports cluster and Poland holding the Mind Sports competitions. This past December, 36 candidate cities vied to host 26 WUC events.



Amongst all this activity, perhaps the most notable development of new FISU sport events is the 2018 launch of the University World Cup Football. This year, qualifying tournaments in Europe, Asia-Oceania, the Americas and Africa will determine the 16 male and 8 female teams that will progress to the FISU University World Cup Football finals in Jinjiang, China in 2019.



Following the success of the World University League and the University World Cup Football developments, in April FISU is meeting with World Rugby to take the conceptual development of a four-day Rugby Sevens tournament that would be similar to these two events.



“We are experiencing the beginning of something that I know will be very special for University Sports and I believe this will be very special for Jinjiang,” President Matytsin said during the football event’s unveiling. “I am confident that the FISU University World Cup Football will bring together the very best university football teams in the world.”



Krasnoyarsk 2019 Winter Universiade



On the day after the city celebrated one year to go to Winter Universiade 2019, Krasnoyarsk Director General Maxim Urazov led presentation during the host city’s seventh event preparation progress report.



Joining Mr. Urazov were Krasnoyarsk 2019 Deputy Director General Denis Branchukov and international relations department head Julia Ivchenkova who are part of the 297 member-strong Winter Universiade 2019 team currently employed. The Director General said that the Winter Universiade group would grow to a peak workforce of 550 by the end of 2018.



Members of the Krasnoyarsk 2019 staff participated in two key preparatory events: the FISU Observers Programme and the FISU Young Reporters Programme. The Krasnoyarsk 2019 presentation also noted that 25 members of the Winter Universiade directorate had earned masters in sports administration, showing their strong commitment to investing in its employees.



In Krasnoyarsk, two new sports venues were recently completed: the multi-functional sports complex “Sopka” that will host the Freestyle Skiing and Snowboard events, and the Platinum Arena Krasnoyarsk that will be home to opening and closing ceremonies, and figure skating.



An interactive highlight of the report came when Krasnoyarsk showed the gold, silver and bronze medals and the corresponding floral arrangements that will be awarded next March during the Winter Universiade.



Mr. Urazov also spoke about the working visit that Russian President Vladimir Putin paid to Krasnoyarsk on 7 February to oversee the preparations for the first Winter Universiade on Russian soil.



During the meeting, the Russian President pointed out that, in general, he saw the preparations positively and that the event was on-track. “We all know our common goal — to stage a fantastic and unforgettable celebration of student sports,” Mr. Putin said.



President Matytsin said he was pleased with the Siberian city’s developments, noting: “We are very confident with your preparations and the upcoming events. It was important to see the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin and positive reaction he had from his time there. This shows you have the highest level of support from the government.”




FISU visits PyeongChang during the Olympic Winter Games



The FISU Winter Universiade team traveled to South Korea for a working visit with sport leaders and venue managers during the recently concluded PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympic Games.



Winter Universiade Event Manager Jiho Kim led the presentation about FISU’s six-day visit to PyeongChang that took place from 13-18 February. Joining Mr. Kim were Winter Universiade Director Milan Augustin and FISU Winter Universiade Sport Coordinator Paola Matringe.



Through Mr. Kim’s contacts with the Korean Olympic Committee and Korean Cheerleading Federation, the FISU Winter team visited the “back of the house” at a number of sports venues and met with numerous venue managers.



Lucerne 2021 Winter Universiade Progress Report



FISU First Vice-President Leonz Eder led the Lucerne 2021 progress report for the Winter Universiade that is set to carry the FISU flag into Central Switzerland after the 2019 Summer and Winter Universiades.



Joining Mr. Eder for the presentation were Lucerne 2021 Managing Director Urs Hunkeler, State Minister of Nidwalden Othmar Filliger, Lucerne 2021 Finance Director Stephan Vollenweider, Lucerne 2021 Head Office Director Regula Schweizer, Lucerne 2021 Academic Liaison Director Esther Muller and intern Jonas Sporing.



Mr. Hunkeler reported that the state had committed 11 million Swiss francs to the operational budget, and that the Swiss Senate could increase this by 3 million francs more on 6 March.



Lucerne 2021 reported two change of venues were made that will ensure the best Swiss facilities would be used during the competitions. The biathlon venue has now been moved to Leinzerheide, a regular stop on the biathlon and cross-country skiing World Cup circuits.



The cross-country events will now be hosted in the higher elevations of the Andermatt-Realp ski tracks, ensuring better natural snow conditions at a venue that is home to the Swiss-Ski National Performance Centre.



Mr. Hunkeler also reported that a decision on whether Lucerne 2021 would add optional sports to the Winter Universiade events would be made by December 2018. The managing director noted that both international Ski Orienteering Federation and a locally based Ski Jumping project were pushing for the inclusion of their events into the Winter Universiade 2021 competition programme.


On the marketing and sponsorship front, the Lucerne 2021 event website went live January as the Winter Universiade 2023 organisers were also moving forward on other digital media and marketing initiatives, including ongoing negations with potential sponsorship partners.


After two days’ of meetings the Executive Committee members, attendees, and FISU staff met up for what brought them all together to Lausanne in the first place – sport at the World Archery Excellence Center for an initiation into the sport with Olympic champion Juan Carlos Holgado providing the expert instruction.