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Home News FISU Healthy Campus awards presented in Australia

FISU Healthy Campus awards presented in Australia

21 October 2022

From left to right: Ian Fitzpatrick, CEO of UWA Sport, Jaime Ball, Manager of Murdoch Active, and FISU Oceania President David SchmudeThe University of Western Australia and Murdoch University have achieved bronze status in the FISU Healthy Campus programme. They were presented with their awards at a function hosted by UniSport Australia.


The FISU Healthy Campus programme connects health, well being, activity and sport across all aspects of campus life. Over 100 universities have already signed up to the programme and have taken advantage of the global network of universities and best practice examples from universities across the world.


The University of Western Australia were part of the pilot phase of the programme and assisted to develop the seven pillars that form the Healthy Campus programme.


“We are delighted to receive this award for our involvement in the Healthy Campus programme”, stated Mr Ian Fitzpatrick, CEO of UWA Sport. “The programme has enabled us to connect with other areas of the university and promote the work they are doing that can advance the health and wellbeing of students on our campus. The programme is a way to also connect with a global network of universities and share best practice on relevant programmes conducted at university campuses across the world.”


Murdoch University has embraced the Healthy Campus programme with key outcomes being achieved by the sport department on campus. They are also focused on advancing their programme status to the silver level by the end of 2022.


“Being a part of Healthy Campus is a key objective of Sport at Murdoch University,” said Jaime Ball, Manager of Murdoch Active, the department that looks after sport on campus. “Healthy Campus has provided us with a platform to collectively work with other departments towards a common goal. This will not only improve the outcomes for students on campus, but it will also allow us to further advocate the importance of sport as a contributor to students outcomes.”


Both universities feature in the Healthy Campus best practice guideline and have provided support and advice for other universities in the Oceania region who are considering being part of the programme. Other universities in the Healthy Campus programme include Australian Catholic University, Queensland University of Technology and The University of Auckland.


The Healthy Campus programme is a 100 point checklist of best practice in the areas of physical activity and sport, nutrition, disease prevention, mental and social health, risk behaviours, environment sustainability and social responsibility and programme management.