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Home News Wheels set in motion for 3Cs Erasmus + project at the University of Torino

Wheels set in motion for 3Cs Erasmus + project at the University of Torino

6 July 2023

FISU, together with its partners met for the second time for the Erasmus+ “Cycling, Campus & City” from 29-30 June hosted by faculty at the University of Torino campuses in Italy.

FISU joined its partners as the University of Torino was host to a series of meetings related to the progress of the 3Cs Erasmus + project, aimed at identifying, enhancing, and promoting active mobility for campus communities.

Meetings were held in two significant campuses at the University of Torino: the “Luigi Einaudi” campus and the Palazzo del Rettorato (Rectorate Palace)—also the headquarters of the University of Torino, which has been part of the campus in the city of Torino since the 1700s.

Meetings kicked off in the heart of the University of Torino “Luigi Einaudi” campus, followed by a tour hosted by students of the University of Torino. As one of many campus buildings in the city, the Luigi Einaudi campus was carefully designed to reflect the design of the streets of Torino, with the addition of greenspace and a cycle-pedestrian bridge to promote active mobility and wellbeing on campus.

Partners of the project met to identify the methods of data collection for student habits on campus to assess the type of transport/mobility taken, activity habits and overall lifestyles on campus through a survey to be disseminated to students later in 2023. Once the data is collected, an assessment of the results will be made to establish a toolkit and promote educational content for active mobility and behavioural change within campus communities while advocating for sustainable mobility.

A 3C’s handbook will also be created to support the toolkit with a series of educational materials, which will be available publicly on the official project website, with the final project to be complete in 2025.


  • Universidade de Coimbra 
  • Union Europeenne Cyclotourisme
  • Federation Internationale du Sport Universitaire
  • Universidad Camilo Jose Cel, Centro de Ensenanza Universitaria Sek Saucjc
  • Universita Degli Studi di Torino 
  • Universite Paul-Valery Montpellier 3 
  • Muv Societa’ A Responsabilita Limitata Societa Benefit

The “3Cs – Cycling, Campus & City” project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.