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Home News 10th All Africa University Games underway in Kenya

10th All Africa University Games underway in Kenya

7 June 2022

Close up imagePhoto credit Kenyatta University and FASU


The 10th All Africa University Games Kenyatta University 2022 are underway in Nairobi, Kenya, after being postponed in 2020 due to COVID-19. Student-athletes aged 17-25 from all degree granting institutions in Africa, regardless of nationality, are able to compete. For FASU (Federation of Africa University Sports) this will be the third edition of the games to feature athletes competing for their universities, as opposed to competing for their nations. More than 1,450 athletes and 260 officials from 48 universities from 14 countries are expected to participate.


LeonzPhoto credit Kinuthia and FASUAs part of the opening ceremony on 6 June, First Lady of the Republic of Kenya, H.E. Margaret Kenyatta welcomed athletes to Kenya and FISU Acting President Leonz Eder wished participants a great competition and invited them to attend future FISU events. FASU President Ms. Nomsa Mahlangu addressed participants by saying, “Sport is more than sport, it is not only about competing and winning medals it is about building communities.” Other guests included Vice Chancellor of Kenyatta University Prof. Paul k. Wainaina, Chairman Council of Kenyatta University Prof. Shem E. Migot-Adholla, Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Sports, Culture and Heritage Amb. Amina Mohamed, and President of the Kenya University Sports Federation Mr. Babu Murithi.


The 12 sports that will be full medal events for men and women are athletics, badminton, basketball, chess, football, handball, karate, swimming, table tennis, taekwondo, tennis, and volleyball. Five demonstration sports, woodball, roll ball, goalball, sitting volleyball and gurasumo, a Kenyan, Borana traditional game, will also be part of this year’s FASU Games. The football tournaments will take on additional significance as the winners of the women’s and men’s will get to represent Africa at the Jinjiang 2023 FISU World University Cup Football.


Soccer imageKisii University – Photo credit FASUThis event awards medals to winning teams and individuals but will also present trophies to the universities that win the medal tally for women, men, and combined. Additionally, national federations whose universities have the highest medal tally will also receive trophy recognition.


This is the third time Kenya has held the FASU Games with the University of Nairobi having hosted in 1978 and 2014. The most recent edition took place in 2018 in Ethiopia hosted by Mekelle University, while the 2024 FASU Games will held in Ivory Coast.


Written by Doug McLean (with information from Sumayah Namyalo and FASU)