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Home News Student interns make most of opportunity with FISU Oceania

Student interns make most of opportunity with FISU Oceania

28 May 2021

FISU Oceania is proud to be a part of the Griffith University Work Integrated Learning Program. Being a part of this program enables FISU Oceania to provide valuable internship opportunities for students who are completing their degree at Griffith University.


So far, five students have completed their internship with FISU Oceania. In 2020, Aliza Green, Wesley Maher and Jake Lizoguboff contributed to key projects including International Day of University Sport and establishing regular social media posts.


In 2021, FISU Oceania is excited to have Bianca Noka and Kelsey Jackson (pictured) who are in their final year of study. Bianca and Kelsey are both studying a dual degree in Business and International Business and are also familiar with Pacific region having both grown up in Papua New Guinea (Bianca in Port Moresby and Kelsey in Lae). We sat down with the ladies to ask them about the importance of their internship to their studies.


Why did you want to choose to undertake an internship with FISU Oceania?


  • Bianca– for me, where I am in in my studies, its important to gain real world experience. The internship with FISU Oceania combined four areas I am passionate about; pacific island culture, getting active, playing sport and community.


  • Kelsey– using my internship will help me clarify the area I want to pursue a career in, after study. With my connections to Papua New Guinea I wanted to have a positive impact in the lives of university students who participate university sport in the pacific islands, and FISU Oceania was the perfect place to do this.


How important is an internship to helping you with your employability post study?


  • Bianca– completing an internship shows future employers that I have the initiative to gain experience in the field of work I am interested in. Undertaking an internship, along with study, my community work and a part time job has also helped me to enhance my time management skills by balancing all the requirements needed from these areas. An internship is also preparing me for what to expect from a future workplace.


  • Kelsey– completing an internship sets you apart from other applicants when you are applying for a job. Future employers want specific experience in the workplace and in the role (your are applying for) and internships give you an understanding of what to expect and what you would be doing in the particular role you are applying for.


What projects are you working on with FISU Oceania?


  • Bianca– we are working to connect people in university sport in the Oceania region and to promote about what FISU Oceania and expand its reach across the region using social media platforms.


  • Kelsey– we are revitalising FISU Oceania’s social media platforms and utilising social media strategies to effectively promote and increase brand awareness.


You grew up in Papua New Guinea, how is this life experience helping you in your role with FISU Oceania?


  • Bianca – being a PNG national, I feel I understand the region and the students both in PNG and in other Pacific countries. I can adapt my experiences and communication to help Pasifika students promote their achievements in sport and to give them a platform to showcase their culture and community.


  • Kelsey– coming from a first world country (Australia) to living in a third world country as a child allowed me to understand the real struggles of people from other countries within the Pacific region. It broadened my mind and gave me an understanding of other cultures which I think is important to the internship role with FISU Oceania.


What advice do you have for other students wanting to gain valuable work experience whilst they are at university?


  • Bianca– be pro active about taking the steps to get the internship, either via a specific university work integrated learning program or finding the opportunity yourself. An internship gives you people skills and work related skills. Any experience will be positive to helping you find your first role out of university.


  • Kelsey– jump at every opportunity, don’t limit yourself with what you feel you want to do, try internships that might be a little out of your area of specialty. Take the opportunity, most times it will work out well.


Original Story by FISU Oceania