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Home News #MascotMonday is back for 2021 University Edition!

#MascotMonday is back for 2021 University Edition!

11 April 2021

FISU’s #MascotMonday is back after an exciting FISU World University Games edition in 2020, with Taipei 2017 Summer Universiade mascot, Bravo the Bear winning as the crowd favourite. We’ve amped things up and are putting university mascots head to head in the same format, running from 19 April- 7 June, where each Monday you’ll be able to cast your vote for your favourite mascot.


The tournament is simple: the university mascot with the most votes goes on to the next round to the semi-finals and finals if successful. We encourage you to follow us, vote and spread the word for your country and university.


Voting will happen on our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages every Monday, starting on 19 April!


Meet our competitors:





UAQ Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro Mexico (MEX)

Los Gatos Salvajes : Dän y Maju


Meet Dän and Maju—a pair of wild cats from UAQ whose origins come from a language called otomí—enhancing the roots and cultural richness of the state of Querétaro. This duo is an important part of the university’s identity, being present in academic, cultural and sporting events—also adding to the importance of the university’s educational work and training of professionals.








University of Toronto (CAN)

True Blue


True Blue is the official mascot of the University of Toronto’s Varsity Blues team. You will surely find True blue at all home American football games and select home basketball, volleyball and hockey games for the men’s and women’s teams. When not at sporting events, True Blue likes to help out on campus at community events as the official ambassador for the university’s athletic department.








University of Johannesburg (RSA)



A beautiful indigenous bird to Southern Africa, Hoepie was named after its relatives that are the African hoopoe birds. Although Hoepie cannot speak, he embraces anyone and everyone as he loves to meet new people!













Kuako is a Mexican colt, who has been UAEMEX mascot for 21 years! He supports all sports on campus—keeping the home crowd in high spirits and entertained.











Lincoln University (NZL)



Lincoln University is known as an agriculturally-based university—so what better fit than Rambo the Ram to have as the university mascot! Rambo represents the identity of Lincoln University sport, bringing fun and energy to boost morale and spirit of home game sport on campus.










University of Wuppertal (GER)



Berti the lion come from The University of Wuppertal! University of Wuppertal is a German scientific institution, located in Wuppertal in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.











Bishop’s University (CAN)

The Gaiter


An alligator, Bishop’s University decided to use a clever play on words for The Gaiter. The term ‘Gaiter’ was historically an article of clothing that covered a person’s shoes and lower legs, but who were they worn by? Bishops—hence, ‘The Gaiter’ was born!











Laval University (CAN)


Victor the eagle is a loyal and diligent spectator that you will find at most of the Rouge et Or’s home games. The name ‘Victor’ evokes both the word ‘victory’ and the Rouge et Or—also symbolising the majestic and strong eagle whose alerion is the official animal emblem of Laval University.






Tournament bracket:





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