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Home News Deadline for registrations to the 2020 FISU World Forum closes in!

Deadline for registrations to the 2020 FISU World Forum closes in!

28 July 2020

The deadline for registrations for the 2020 FISU World Forum is nearing and National University Sports Federations (NUSFs) are urged to register their participants before 31 July 2020, so that they don’t miss out on the opportunity of participating in the first ever fully online FISU World Forum.


Cultural programme ‘Pavilion of Dreams’ at a previous edition of the FISU ForumThis year’s edition of the Forum had been scheduled to take place in Budapest but is now being held virtually because of the COVID-19 crisis. Despite the challenges, FISU Education Committee chairperson Verena Burk last week welcomed the opportunity to stage the event online, saying a virtual event offered some advantages like not having to limit the number of participants from each NUSF.


FISU’s member NUSFs can register their participants via As is the case in each edition, the FISU World Forum will feature some representatives of the FISU leadership as keynote speakers, including the FISU President Oleg Matytsin, First Vice President Leonz Eder, Secretary General-CEO Eric Saintrond and Senior Executive Committee Member & Education Committee Chair Verena Burk.


There will also be speakers from the IOC Education Committee, the FISU Academic Advisory Board, the International Fair Play Committee, Hungarian authorities, FISU’s member federations, FISU Student Ambassadors community and of course, athletes.


FISU WOrld FOrum Bulletin CoverThe Forum will include several moderated round tables, with the possibility for participants to ask questions through the chat function of the webinar, as well as workshops on operational themes that will run parallel to the main sessions. Here, a limited number of people will be able to exchange opinions, ideas and initiatives through their webcams. For those who are unable to participate, all sessions will be recorded and shared on the FISU social media channels at a later stage.


Among the major themes that will be discussed during the various sessions are the International Day of University Sport (IDUS), the new FISU brand and the FISU Healthy Campus project. Participants will be able to learn how to organise activities for IDUS celebrations, FISU brand positioning and protection in the international market, and the value of the Healthy Campus programme for universities.


The FISU Secretary General-CEO Eric Saintrond will be the lead panelist on a very interesting discussion about how FISU has continued to drive university sports even during the times of COVID-19.


All in all, much to learn, interact and share.