A military obstacle course in Estonia and a futsal championship in Americas
LAUSANNE – Excitement is building up on university campuses around the world, as the fourth edition of the International Day of University Sport inches closer. Many of FISU’s Member Federations are gearing up to hold events involving hundreds and thousands of participants. The Russian Student Sport Union (RSSU), for example, is planning to hold more than 60 events across the Russian Federation to mark the day on 20 September.
The Estonian IDUS programme will celebrated mostly in the cities of Tartu and Tallinn. University students will have the chance to be part of various sports activities throughout the whole day, including basketball, volleyball, football, swimming, disc-golf, boxing, table tennis and cycling, among many others.
Of particular interest will be the challenge set by the Estonian Military Academy in Tartu, that will make an obstacle course for students to test their skills and endurance. At the Tartu Health Care College, teams will compete against each other in medically themed events that need both, skills and smarts.
“It is vital that we acknowledge the International Day of University Sport and get as many students as possible, to participate in different sports activities,” says Marek Doronin of the Estonian Academic Sports Federation. “The number of participants have almost doubled every year and we hope to have the same impact as previous years.”
There are big plans in FISU America, including the FISU America Futsal Championship, which will open on 20 September with a grand Opening Ceremony in Misiones, Argentina. For the Argentinian University Sports Federation (FeDUA) and the host university – Universidad Nacional de Misiones – it provides a unique opportunity.
“For FeDUA, the IDUS celebration will be even bigger,” says Ines Gomez, who is responsible for IDUS celebrations in Argentine. “We will have student-athletes from all over America on this day, thanks to the competition.”
At the opening ceremony, around 4000 people are expected to participate. “I would also like to mention the Festival planned by the University of La Matanza (Buenos Aires) ,” adds Gomez. “A sports day will be held on campus, which is organized by students for the entire university community. This is very important as it is an activity of the student committee of the University that is fully supported by the sports department.”
With many prizes on offer, the Argentinian university students will step out in droves to participate in and celebrate the International Day of University Sport.