FISU President Oleg Matytsin lights the Universiade cauldron in the birthplace of the event as Riccardo D’Elicio (right), president of Centro Universitario Sportivo di Torino looks one. D’Elicio is a tireless promoter of university sport, both in Italy anNAPOLI – To say Italy has played a central role in the development of FISU would be an understatement of Roman Empire proportion.
Napoli 2019 marks the 11th presentation of the Universiade – summer or winter – in the Beautiful Country and the 60th anniversary of the inaugural FISU Summer Games in Turin, back in 1959.
Riccardo D’Elicio is president of Centro Universitario Sportivo di Torino, one of several regional centres operating under the umbrella of CUSI, the national federation of Italian university sports.
Next fall, on Nov. 15-16, CUS di Torino will host 174 National University Sport Federation for the biennial FISU General Assembly.
FISU Media caught up with President D’Elicio at the official FISU reception staged Wednesday as part of Napoli 2019.
Question: Turin hosted the very-first Universiade 60 years ago. Do you feel a special sense of pride every time the Universiade comes back to Italy?
Answer: Absolutely. I’m extremely proud to represent the region where the Universiade were born, under the guidance of a great man from Turin, Primo Nebiolo. The city of Turin has such a deep connection to university sport. Today, to see FISU President Matytsin recognize the importance of Turin in the history of FISU, it meant a lot and it will only incite us to keep working hard toward FISU interests. Turin will always be a champion of FISU.
Q: 2019 also marks the 20th anniversary of the passing of Mr. Nebiolo, your dear friend who was the longest-serving president of FISU, for almost four decades. What is his most enduring legacy?
A: In 1959, at the first Universiade, Mr. Nebiolo said the objective of FISU was to create the proper conditions so that students at every university around the world have the opportunity to practice sport. Today, FISU is inching closer and closer to making that dream happen. I have no doubt we will honour his memory in November during the FISU General Assembly, and Mr. Nebiolo will be looking from above. We want Turin to remain the city where FISU dreams become reality.
Q: How excited are you to host the FISU General Assembly in Turin next fall?
A: There’s a great sense of pride because it’s a nice recognition of the place of Turin and Mr. Nebiolo in the history of FISU. An organization that doesn’t recognize and celebrate its history is an organization that is not culturally prepared. I really want to thank FISU and President Matytsin for this great opportunity.
Not only will Torino host the world’s university sports leaders for the FISU General Assembly, the city is the eternal home of the Universiade Flame and starting point for the Relay of the Universiade Flame before each event.
Q: What is the current state of university sport in Italy?
A: There is a lot of work to do. The sport departments at all universities, along with the regional centres and CUSI, work extremely hard to create the best environment for students so that they can practice sport at the highest possible level, while also excelling in academics thanks to the very good education programs we have here in Italy. The international experiences provided by FISU allow us to recognize and celebrate the values of socialization and integration with all student-athletes, from Italy and around the world.
Q: Last but not least, any predictions regarding Italy’s on-field performances at Napoli 2019?
A: We have a very good delegation. When it’s all said and done, we should definitely feature among the top nations. Some of our top performances should come in water polo, basketball and athletics.