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Home News Athletes at the centre of discussions during Swiss University Sports General Assembly

Athletes at the centre of discussions during Swiss University Sports General Assembly

1 April 2019

President of Swiss University Sports, Mike Kurt and members of the boardAt the General Assembly of Swiss University Sports, President Mike Kurt commented on the athletic results of student athletes at the Winter Universiade in Krasnoyarsk, where the Swiss delegation won 7 medals and 19 diplomas. He emphasized the importance of further developing the program of elite sport and studies, and pointed to the importance of the sustainability projects of the Winter Universiade 2021 Lucerne-Central Switzerland. Daniel Studer presented the success of the Swiss delegation at the EUSA Games 2018 in Coimbra, where especially the Lausanne female Volleyball team celebrated a great success by winning the Gold medal. In the report of Marilen Matter Graf, Head of Elite sports of Swiss University Sports the delegates took note of the encouraging results at the 2018 World University Championships and agreed in principle to participate at the Winter Universiade 2021 in Lucerne-Central Switzerland and the Summer Universiade 2021 in Chengdu, China. The 2018 accounts showed a budgeted deficit of around CHF 55,000 and a deficit of CHF 200,000 for 2019. The application for admission of Franklin University was adjourned to the next General Assembly 2019.

Mr. Renato Maggi, HoD Summer Universiade Swiss Team