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Home News FISU signs agreement with ITA for doping control

FISU signs agreement with ITA for doping control

14 January 2019

LAUSANNE — The International University Sports Federation (FISU) and the International Testing Agency (ITA) signed an agreement that will see the independent agency support FISU in the delivery of an effective doping control programme during the Krasnoyarsk 2019 Winter Universiade. The 29th Winter Universiade is set to take place in Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation, from 2-12 March 2019.


The world’s premier winter multi-sport event for university students, the Winter Universiade is being hosted by Russia for the first time. Over 2000 student-athletes are expected to compete in 11 sports across 11 days, in the heart of Siberia.

To ensure the health of the competitors and a level playing field, all FISU events are governed by the FISU Anti-Doping Rules, which are in compliance with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Code. In Krasnoyarsk, the anti-doping programme includes tests to be conducted before and during the Winter Universiade 2019. 


“As the home of global university sport, FISU has always invested great effort into anti-doping measures,” said FISU Secretary General – CEO Eric Saintrond. “Having processes in place to ensure clean sport is an integral part of all our Winter and Summer Universiades, as it is in all our events. FISU is committed to ensuring the highest possible standards in this constant endeavour and we firmly believe the ITA will ensure the best possible delivery of our anti-doping programme.”


Under this agreement, the ITA will provide all necessary equipment and coordinate sample collection during the Winter Universiade. The ITA will provide two anti-doping specialists who will supervise all the anti-doping procedures conducted on the ground. The ITA will also train the sixteen (16) Doping Control Officers in charge of test implementation, as well as sample collection personnel.


“The ITA is honoured to have been appointed by FISU and the local organising committee of the 2019 Winter Universiade to be held in Krasnoyarsk, Russia as their anti-doping partner,” said ITA Director General Benjamin Cohen. “As per FISU’s motto, the Universiades gather today’s stars and tomorrow’s leaders, so it is an excellent platform for FISU and the ITA to jointly educate the participating athletes on the importance of the fight against doping and to raise awareness about clean sport.The ITA looks forward to supporting the host of this prestigious event and providing its independent expertise to ensure that a robust anti-doping program is in place.”

Following ITA’s testing at Krasnoyarsk, the samples will be shipped under strict protocol to the WADA-accredited doping control laboratory in Seibersdorf, Austria.


In 2004, FISU became a signatory of the World Anti-Doping Code reinforcing close collaboration with WADA to ensure a safe and clean environment to all student-athletes participating in FISU sports events. In 2015, FISU and WADA partnered to develop a freely accessible e-textbook to assist anti-doping education. This clean sport initiative continues in Krasnoyarsk as the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) will be involved in an education and prevention programme.


“FISU stands for clean sport,” said FISU Medical Committee Chair Dr Dusan Hamar. “We have insisted on absolute independence and transparency in this process. With ITA’s strong compliance and clear governance structure, we are very pleased to have them on board for the protection of sport and ensuring the health of athletes.”


The Opening Ceremony of the Krasnoyarsk 2019 Winter Universiade is scheduled to take place in the Platinum Arena in Krasnoyarsk on 2 March 2019.