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Home News FISU World Conference: Confluence of Sport-Innovation-Education

FISU World Conference: Confluence of Sport-Innovation-Education

20 July 2018

Looking ahead to the future in Krasnoyarsk


Young sports scientists and researchers in the fields of innovation and education in sport, can now sign up for a unique platform for networking and collaboration. The next FISU World Conference on Innovation-Education-Sport will be held during the Krasnoyarsk 2019 Winter Universiade from 5-7 March. During this Conference, scientists and researchers will showcase their studies in the field of sports science, training technology and sustainability. The best innovative practices presented at this Conference will form the basis for new projects in the field of sustainable development of winter sports.


Every two years, during the Winter and Summer Universiades, FISU provides the organising committees an opportunity to host these scientific and educational Conferences. The objective is to connect all aspects of FISU, by creating a confluence point for education and sports. The FISU Conferences are a unique opportunity for the next generation of sport scientists and researchers to come together even as the student athletes compete in the Universiade. The scientists can discuss new ideas and the most relevant issues in sports today. They can arrange collaborations in the area of sports science and help plan the blueprint for sustainable sports of the future. Student athletes will also get the chance to participate in an international scientific conference, further fostering the academic spirit in the sports arena.


It is a great chance for FISU delegations and members and researchers who want to participate. Scientists working in the field of sports science, innovation, technology and sustainability can apply to present their papers by submitting abstracts. The FISU World Conference ensures its academic level and scientific credibility by organising its event in cooperation with the highest local academic authorities. The main theme for this Conference is ‘University Sport Events: Innovation For Legacy & Sustainability’. The sub-themes, based on which abstracts may be submitted are:

  • Innovation for developing human capital & resources in sport
  • Innovation and new technologies in sport
  • Innovation for Universiade legacies: Looking ahead to the future through the present


Working languages of the Conference will be English and Russian. Simultaneous translation into French, English and Russian will be provided during official ceremonies and plenary sessions. For more information on participation during the FISU World Conference during the Krasnoyarsk 2019 Winter Universiade please click here. See you in Krasnoyarsk!



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