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Home News 1st Asian University Archery Championship and 3rd Asian University 3×3 Basketball Championship Opened in Malaysia

1st Asian University Archery Championship and 3rd Asian University 3×3 Basketball Championship Opened in Malaysia

13 April 2017



NILAI – On 12th April, 2017 AUSF Calendar started with the official opening of 1st Asian University Archery Championship and 3rd Asian University 3×3 Basketball Championship. Finally, 57 participants from 20 universities of 6 Asian countries and regions, including China, Nepal, Philippines, Singapore, Chinese Taipei and Malaysia registered for the Archery tournament. 11 men’s teams and 9 women’s team with a total of 107 participants from 17 university of Asian countries, including China, Hong Kong China, Indonesia, Iran, Macau China, Mongolia, Nepal, Philippines, Thailand, Chinese Taipei and Malaysia registered for the 3×3 Basketball tournament.


On the evening of 12 April, the Opening Ceremony of 1st Asian University Archery Championship & 3rd Asian University 3×3 Basketball Championship was officially started at 20:30 in the archery venue of University Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), with the presence of AUSF Senior Vice President Omar A. Al-Hai, Deputy Minister of Higher Education Mary Yap Kain Ching, Chairman of the Malaysia University Council (MASUM) Abdullah Mohamad Said, AUSF Assessor Purna Singh Bohara, AUSF Assessor Ayub Hanafia, 10 directors of Sports Department from MASUM member universities, guests from National Archery Association of Malaysia and Malaysia Basketball Association, 164 participants, 80 staffs of Organizing Committees, 80 volunteers and audiences.




The Ceremony started with the matching pass of 12 participating countries and regions. With the teams standing in the venue and audiences at the stand, Dr. Abdullah Mohamad Said delivered his welcome speech on behalf of the Organizing Committee, welcoming all the participants and wishing them enjoying the stay in Malaysia. In the following, Dr. Omar A. Al-Hai on behalf of AUSF expressed the appreciation to all the teams for their coming and to the host for their hospitality and great efforts. He highly praised the preparation of both events by Malaysia University Sports Council, supported by Ministry of Higher Education, University Sains Islam Malaysia, Archery Federation of Malaysia and Malaysia Basketball Association. He said that the Championship was not only for competition, but also a good platform to bring youth across the Asia together. He also boosted the confidence of Asian member federations, by reviewing the contribution Asian member federations made for the international university sports movement in the past. As the highest authority, Dr. Mary Yap Kain Ching, Deputy Minister of Higher Education declared the opening of the 1st Asian University Archery Championship and 3rd Asian University 3×3 Basketball Championship after a short speech. She said that the championship was not only a place to exchange ideas, but also a platform to enhance their competitive skills and performances. She wished all the participants could value this opportunity, have good performances and soar upwards.


 AUSF Senior Vice President Omar A. Al-Hai (r) exchanging gifts with the OC


With the solemn tune of the AUSF anthem, the AUSF flag was slowly hoisted and flying in the sky of the competition venue. The athlete and referee representatives took the oath beneath the AUSF flag, committing to participate in and serve the championships in the true spirit of sportsmanship.


One of the most attractive and interesting parts was certainly the performances. The traditional Malaysian dancing and drumming not only feasted the audience but also animated them. The Opening Ceremony ended with the souvenir exchanges to express the appreciation.


The Archery and 3×3 Basketball Championships will be live broadcasted on FACEBOOK “majlis Sukan Universiti Malaysia”.  


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(Source: AUSF Secretariat)