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Home News 12th WUC Wrestling: Technical Meeting

12th WUC Wrestling: Technical Meeting

26 October 2016


CORUM – Final preparations were completed prior to the start of the 12th World University Wrestling Championship. The technical meeting of this WUC was held on 24 October in the Anitta Hotel in the province of Çorum, Turkey.

The meeting was attended by Rodica Maria Yaksi, ISF delegate, FISU Vice-President Leopold Germain Senghor, FISU Medical and Doping Control Delegate Dr. Kadirhan Sunguroğlu, FISU Technical Delegate for Wrestling İbrahim Cicioğlu and FISU Assistant Pauline Hamonic as well as the delegates of all the participating countries.

F.l.t.r.: İbrahim Cicioğlu, Rodica Maria Yaksi, Leopold Germain Senghor & Kadirhan Sunguroğlu

General information was given to the team leaders such as duties of the participants, stages of the championship and 3 representatives from 3 different continents were chosen to the FISU World Wrestling Championship Technical Committee, i.e. Turkey, Canada and Mongolia.

FISU Vice-President Leopold Germain Senghor gave information about the general process of the championship.

FISU Medical and Doping Control Delegate Dr. Kadirhan Sunguroğlu shared information on doping rules and explained that doping controls would start from 25 October and the controls would go on periodically.

FISU Technical Delegate for Wrestling İbrahim Cicioğlu mentioned the final tuning of the competition to minimize problems during the championship. He also requested the team leaders to be careful about the categories and the time of the competitions.

Approximately 250 athletes and 100 coaches from 26 different countries will participate in the championship. 


(Source: OC #WUCWrestling2016)