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Home News 14th WUC Badminton opened in Ramenskoe.

14th WUC Badminton opened in Ramenskoe.

13 September 2016


RAMENSKOE – On Monday, the 12th of September there was an opening ceremony of the 14th FISU World University Championship. The ceremony was at the sports centre “Borisoglebskiy”. All the tournament matches will be held here until Sunday, the 18th of September.

“Dear friends! Ramenskoe is one of the badminton leaders in our country. We’ll see the intense battle against the best world-class sportsmen. I wish them win, self-confidence, support of fans and new achievements in sport and life” said the Regional Governer Andrey Vorobjyov.

Paul Eric Hoyer Larsen (left), president of the WBF with Oleg Matytsin, President of FISU


The President of the World Badminton federation Paul Eric Hoyer Larsen also came here and gave us a greeting speech: “I would like to thank volunteers, to thank Ramenskoe and FISU for organizing this event . I would like to say good luck to all organizers, coaches and sportsmen. I hope that you will spend a wonderful week here”.

The FISU President Oleg Matytsin also gave us a grateful speech: “I would like to thank all the national teams, universities, who allowed their students to come to Russia, to the hospitable town Ramenskoe. I hope that this start will be an excellent platform for their success in life for the professional sportsmen and for the future in general. I would like to thank volunteers and representatives of the technical committees which were able to organize the Championship!”.

In conclusion of the ceremony The President of the National Badminton Federation Sergey Shahrai gave a speech. “Badminton is the sport of cosmic speed. Badminton is the sport of intelligent people. Badminton will develop with the help of the students and universities. Badminton for students is our future. That’s why the first master of Badminton in Russia is Yuri Gagarin who is the first person in space. I would like to thank the Governer, the Minister of Sport and sincerely thank Paul Eric Hoyer Larsen who came from Brazil to see the Opening ceremony of the FISU World University Championship. My friend Oleg Vasilievich Matytsin put the soul into organizing this tournament in our country! Hooray! The World University Championship!”

The tournament started already with the Team Event.

(Source: WUC Badminton OC)


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