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LODZ – The end of tournament is near. As you can see, teams Poland 1 and Poland 2 are leading the tournament. Is there chance to keep gold and silver medals in the hosting country? Who will be third? Everything will be clear on Sunday.


Left: Geert Magerman (BEL), FISU Technical Delegate for Bridge

“The organization is very good and I would say one of the best, maybe the best, teams is organizing this event because I see a lot of enthusiasm and also very much professionalism in the organization”, Geert Magerman (BEL), FISU Technical Delegate for Bridge states. “Not only the global things are good, but also all the details are taken care of and that is remarkable in this organization. I think the Polish teams are very strong so they will in my opinion take one or two medals, but I hope they will have some competition, that there will also be some other teams winning medals. I think it’s quite a strong competition here and it will be very interesting to see how it will develop in the next days. I was in Łódź 8 years ago, we had the same championship here, I was here also with Harry van de Peppel and both of us had a very good impression of Łódź, the team here and also the city. Now it has developed enormously in those 8 years and we are happy to be here again.”

(Source: OC WUC Bridge)



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