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Home News NUSF HKG to host Korfball Seminar for IDUS

NUSF HKG to host Korfball Seminar for IDUS

27 July 2016



HONG KONG – The University Sports Federation of Hong Kong, China will organize a seminar to introduce Korfball as part of the celebration of the International University Sports Day on Saturday 24 September 2016. The seminar will take place at the Hong Kong Baptist University from 2:00 to 5:00pm. The Hong Kong China Korfball Association will be co-organizer of the event. An estimated 200 participants are expected.

The IDUS is officially endorsed by the United Nations Education, Science and Culture Organisation (UNESCO).

Among others, the day aims at confirming the importance of sport in universities and the role of universities in the community as responsible actors for consolidating and developing quality physical and sport education at the service of citizens.


(Source: NUSF HKG)