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PORTO – The first day of the competition of the 7th WUC Floorball began with some overwhelming victories. In the men’s competition, Slovakia blanked Japan with 12 goals. The same happened in the women’s competition, in which Czech Republic beat Japan 16-0. The women’s team of Poland had the biggest victory of the competition so far, winning 26-0 from Spain.

In the afternoon the scenario changed with some truly ‘battles’. Switzerland and Czech Republic made a demonstration of how to play floorball with a very fast paced game at the University Stadium. The game was decided only in the last minutes, in favour of Switzerland (9-8) with men of the match Manuel Engel (SUI) and Lukas Hajek (CZE). Another great game pitted teams of Korea versus Spain, in which Korea got the best of Spain, winning 7-6.

At Sports Faculty, Sweden wasn’t capable to beat Finland. In a game between these two Nordic teams, Finland was the strongest, winning 9-4.

At the end of the day, the men’s competition ended with the game between host team Portugal and Slovakia and an Asian clash with Japan versus Korea. Japan wanted to do better than in the first game and so they did, beating Korea 8-3. Portugal couldn’t beat Slovakia losing 26-1.


(Source: WUC Floorball OC – Photos: João Pedro Rocha)






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