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PARNU – After three days of matches the 8th WUC Beach Volleyball Championship reached to the point where in both genders the TOP8 pairs have been clarified. These teams will continue the fight for the medals, others will play their last matches of the tournament.

Day 3 of the competitions „pleased” players with everything that Estonian summer has to offer. At first there was a thunderstorm and heavy rain. By noon it was time to enjoy a wonderful sunshine but shortly it changed. New portions of heavy rain struck Pärnu’s beach alongside with very strong winds and the organisers were forced to postpone the matches for half an hour. Despite the moody weather, at the end all the matches were played.

Looking at both genders, in the TOP8 there are three pairs from Norway and Austria. One of them (Martin Ermacora/Moritz Pristauz-Telsnigg) ended host’s Kusti Nõlvak/Mart Tiisaar run in the tournament. The first set ended 21-18 and the second 21-19. „Mauritz was serving incredibly and we are super happy that we made it to quarterfinals,” Pristauz-Telsnigg said. „The semi-final is our next step but definitely we want to play for medals. We have a good chance for that if we play our best volleyball,” added Ermacora.

The Estonian duo admitted that opponents hit a really good serve but that was not the decisive factor. „In the end it was our offence that was too soft. We should have taken more risks,” Tiisaar commented.

The quest for gold will continue for them when the Austrian pair plays against the Swiss team Gabriel Kissling/Michil Zandbergen. Of course Austrian volleyball fans hope that there will be two their pairs in the semi-finals. Thomas Kunert/Christoph Dressler will face Olivier Barthelemy/Tahnguy Lomba from France. Definitely one Norwegian duo will be in the medal hunt on Sunday and the fourth semi-finalist comes from the neighbours clash between Poland and Lithuania.

In women’s tournament there are two teams from USA and one from Norway, Spain, France, Sweden, Germany and Austria hat made it to the quarterfinals.


(Source: WUC Beach Volleyball OC)



Follow the WUC Beach Volleyball via livestreaming here.



Men’s tournaments results are HERE and women’s HERE.



Pictures from competition Day 3 can be found HERE.