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Home News 1st Asian University Boxing Championship a First for Tajikistan

1st Asian University Boxing Championship a First for Tajikistan

9 May 2016



DUSHANBE – The 1st Asian University Boxing Championship in Dushanbe, Tajikistan was in full swing from 3 to 8 May, 2016. Teams from eight countries, including Afghanistan, Iran, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Thailand and Tajikistan were going to participate in this Championship, which was the first AUSF event in Tajikistan, and as well the first international event in Tajikistan. On the occasion of the 25th Anniversary Celebration for the Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan, this championship received the best wishes from the Asian delegations.

Splendid Opening Ceremony

Mr. Said NURIDDIN declaring the opening of the championship

At 15:00, on the afternoon of 4 May, the 1st Asian University Boxing Championship officially opened with a grand and splendid Opening Ceremony at the competition venue ‘Sports Complex of 20th Year Anniversary of Independence’, with the attendance of AUSF General Coordinator Ms. Laura YAN; the Special Representative of AUSF Executive Committee, Minister of Tajikistan Education and Science Mr. Said NURIDDIN; Chairman of Tajikistan Committee of Youth Affairs, Sports and Tourism Mr. Akhtam ABDULLOZODA; President of Tajikistan Boxing Federation Mr. Beg SABUROV and President of the Association of Student Sports of Tajikistan Mr. Shordi SAFAROV. The Ambassadors from the countries of the participating teams represented were invited to the Opening Ceremony as well.

The marching pass started with the entrance of the Referee team. When the 8 teams from Afghanistan, Iran, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Turkmenistan and host country Tajikistan marched in the stadium, all the audiences cheered and gave them the warmest welcome. This championship was the first international event in Tajikistan, so it was very attractive not only for the media, but also for the audiences, most of whom were students.

After the welcome speeches of Said NURIDDIN, Akhtam ABDULLOZODA and Laura YAN ceremonial gifts were exchanged between AUSF and the OC.

The Opening Ceremony ended with the 40-minute cultural performance. The most eye-attractive programme was the gymnastics and taekwondo shows. The most moving programme was the songs sung in the mother languages of all the participating countries.

Attractive Competitions

The first round of fights started from 3 May. Considering that this was the first boxing championship in Asian university level, most of countries sent their best team, which made the competition interesting and aggressive. From the scores, it can be seen that the boxers were of the same-high skill level, which made the matches were very attractive, not only for the public, but also for the media. Six national TV stations broadcast all the matches in the six competition days.

For more info on the results, please visit


(Source: AUSF Secretariat)

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