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GWANGJU – For American diver Bryce Klein diving is the Family Business. Indeed, this student–athlete from Southern Methodist University stepped on the platform in pool first time when he was just five years old. However, his diving romance started much earlier.

His grandmother Ida Wilson is a current masters’ diving national champion and founder of a diving club in the South California. At 86 she still competes and is the favourite diver of her grandson. It was at her diving club where Kirsten Klein, the mother of this future Universiade participant, started her own diving career and became a national champion. Many years ago, she moved to Texas where set up her own diving club. And this establishment became the second home for her son, Summer Universiade diver Bryce Klein.

“Not only were the women in my family a big example to me”, Bryce explained. In addition, his grandfather and his father also played big role in his dive career. “My grandfather Richard Wilson was a long-time announcer for USA Diving and my dad Jeff Klein was a college diver too”.

This ‘love-for-water-DNA’ also was revealed in Bryce’s brother Carson who is a successful swimmer. “He became twice champion of the Texas 6A State Championship”, Bryce added.

As Bryce Klein explained, his family members support each other at every competition. In addition to his diving family ties he also inherited the understanding of the importance to enjoy the diving process. “The most appealing part in diving is the possibility to use my time and ability to travel a lot and meet people. I made many friends due to diving. By the way, I would love to say ‘thank you’ to the Korean fans. They are very friendly and supportive. Moreover, I really enjoy staying here and am amazed by this great facility (ed. the Nambu University International Aquatics Centre)”, Klein concluded.

Lubov Kudelko (BLR) – FISU Young Reporter