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Home News Osrblie ready for WU Biathlon

Osrblie ready for WU Biathlon

5 December 2014


OSRBLIE – The president of the International Biathlon Union, Anders Besseberg, made a visit to Slovakia in the last week of November. The Norwegian picked the right time to visit Osrblie since the national biathlon centre is receiving the finishing touches with a new multifunctional building getting ready for the upcoming Winter Universiade, which begins on January 24th, 2015.

Anders Besseberg made visits to Osrblie in the past. “The last time I was here was nearly ten years ago, but I visited almost every year from 1994 to 2004. Osrblie used to belong to one of the more reputable areas, however, times are changing, so I’m really glad that although late, but nonetheless they have built new premises. They have made a great impression on me, if the building is fully completed the resort will meet even the strictest criteria. So far it has a B-license, I have no doubt, though, that it will be a contender for the A-license, which would make it a rightful candidate not only for IBU World Cup competitions, but also for the IBU World Championships.”

The Biathlon complex in Osrblie is once again regaining its attractive appearance and even the president of the Slovak Biathlon Union, Ján Hýža, is relieved. “It’s like a load has been lifted off my shoulders, mostly because of the unpleasant circumstances that have slowed us down in the past four years. It is an honour for us to host Anders Besseberg, our friend, who always met us halfway; we are very appreciative of his presence during the completion of the new multifunctional building. The back technical part is where most of the unfinished work is left at, with concreting and window setting; we are counting on using this part of the facility for fitness, rehabilitation and sauna, so that it will serve other sports year-round.”

The 27th FISU Winter Universiade will be best for putting the Biathlon complex to the test. “From a sports-technical standpoint, including artificial snow coverage, it is ready”, said the President of the Slovak University Sports Association and Vice-President of the Organising Committee of the Winter Universiade Július Dubovský. “I was here six months ago and the infrastructure required for the Universiade is doing very well now. We need to resolve the issue of accommodation until the beginning of the Universiade, which is quite scattered at the moment and we are also struggling with transportation. Time is pressing us, but there isn’t any major sports-technical backlog left and everything should be ready to go in Osrblie.”

According to OC Secretary-General Peter Hamaj, 32 countries will send delegations to the Universiade; Osrblie should welcome 350 athletes and members of individual delegations. Nearly 30 million viewers should follow the televised coverage of the Universiade on Eurosport 1 and 2.



(Source: 2015 WUOC)