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Home News International University Beach Games: Free Participation!

International University Beach Games: Free Participation!

29 October 2014



LAUSANNE – The Local Organising Committee of the International University Beach Games that will take place in Maceio (Brazil) from 2-6 December 2014, has decided to waiver the participation fee for this inaugural edition. At the last FISU Executive Committee, the CBDU President Mr Luciano Cabral, informed all attendants that the participation fee for the International University Beach Games that was originally 60 EUR per person per night, has been cancelled and now all delegations can participate free of charge.

This is a significant investment on behalf of the Brazilian University Sports Confederation to attract participants to this event that will be preceded by the Brazilian University Beach Games that are expected to attract over 1,000 participants.

The CBDU President underlined that participants only need to travel to Maceió and all other expenses are covered by the OC – this includes accommodation in a 5-star hotel, full board (3 meals a day), participation to the sports competitions and entries to the various social and cultural activities planned.

Maceió is considered to be amongst Brazil’s best beaches setting the scene for a full week of sport and fun at a paradise location – a true University Sport beach event.

The competition is welcoming university teams (representing Universities), from all around the world, according to other FISU events: student-athletes 17 to 28 years of age. Athletes will compete in six beach sports:

–        Beach Volleyball

–        Beach Soccer

–        Beach Handball

–        Beach Rugby

–        Modern Beach Triathle, and

–        Surfing.


For team sports, the first 6 teams to register in each gender category will be accepted. In surfing 16 athletes in each category are accepted, while for Modern Beach Triathle, 40 athletes in each category can be registered. More than one team per country are accepted.

All participants and guests will be accommodated at the Hotel Ritz Lagoa da Anta (, one of the best hotels in Maceió. All delegations are invited to arrive two days before the event Opening Ceremony (2 December) and check-out no later than two days after the Closing Ceremony (6 December). The official point-of-entry is Maceió International Airport, Zumbi dos Palmares. The Organisation will provide dedicated transport for airport/hotel and return shuttles for all participants.

For more information, please contact or download the registration form here.


(Source: WUC Dept.)