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Home News 3rd Asian University Beach Volleyball Championship & 2nd Asian University Golf Championship Open

3rd Asian University Beach Volleyball Championship & 2nd Asian University Golf Championship Open

27 August 2014



QINGDAO – At 16:00, 22 August 2014, the 3rd Asian University Beach Volleyball Championship and the 2nd Asian University Golf Championship grandly opened in the Huangdao district of Qingdao, China. AUSF President ZHANG Xinsheng, FISU 1st Vice President Oleg MATYTSIN, other AUSF EC members, together with the guests from FISU, EUSA and delegates from AUSF members for the 8th General Assembly were present at the ceremony.

Omar AL-HAI, AUSF Senior Vice-President

On behalf of the organizing committee, Mr. YANG Wenjiong, Deputy Governor of the Huangdao District welcomed all participants and wished them a nice stay in China. Mr. Omar AL-HAI, AUSF Senior Vice-President, delivered a speech on behalf of AUSF to appreciate the Organizing Committee for the wonderful preparation and arrangements, and hope all the players could exchange sports skills and cultures during the championships. AUSF President ZHANG, as the Highest Authority was invited to declare the 2 championships open.

AUSF President ZHANG opens the two championships

Altogether, 21teams from 11countries and regions would compete in the 3rd Asian University Beach Volleyball Championship and 5 teams from 5 countries would take part in the 2nd Asian University Golf Championship.

After the Opening Ceremony, the opening match started between the Chinese and Mongolian women’s teams. Finally, the host team won by the score of 2:0.

The Opening Ceremony and Opening match was broadcasted by the Shandong TV station, the local broadcaster.


(Source: AUSF Secretariat)