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Home News 19th WUC Orienteering: Sprint distance race

19th WUC Orienteering: Sprint distance race

15 August 2014

Karolin Ohlsson, Martin Hubmann and Matthias Kyburz fastest in the sprint distance race

OLOMOUC – Sprint distance race was held today in Svatý Kopeček as the second medal race of the 19th World University Orienteering Championships 2014 in Olomouc, Czech Republic. Karolin Ohlsson from Sweden was the fastest woman. The Swiss Martin Hubmann and Matthias Kyburz both won the men’s race gold by finishing in the very same time.

The sprint course was situated in the surroundings of the basilica in Svatý Kopeček, leading the competitors through the local zoo and adjacent built-up area. The terrain was very hilly and forest was taking turns with asphalt and cobble stones.


In the category of women, Karolin Ohlsson got the gold medal. The Swede was leading the race throughout whole course and the gap to the second position was nearly 20 seconds in the finish line. Anastasia Denisova from Belarus managed to get the silver medal. Elena Roos finished third and got another medal for Switzerland, the most successful country at the Championships so far.

The clearer the fight for the gold was amongst women, the closer it was in the category of men. Matthias Kyburz from Switzerland started earlier than his biggest rivals and he was clearly leading in the finish. Later on, his Swiss teammate Martin Hubmann crossed the finish line in the very same time and not even the electric eye was able to resolve the fight for the first place. Two gold medals for Switzerland. The University World Champion from the long distance Frédérick Tranchand from France won the bronze medal.


Tomorrow, the middle distance race is held in Protivanov. The last race of the competition programme is relay on Sunday when the Championships will be officially closed in the summer cinema in Olomouc.




1. Ohlsson Karolin SWE 14:10 

 2. Denisova Anastasia BLR 14:29   

 3. Roos Elena SUI 14:39    

 4. Gross Julia SUI 14:43    

 5. Strand Lina SWE 14:45    

 6. Myhre Ingjerd NOR 14:52  

 7. Šístková Iveta CZE 15:12 

 8. Indráková Adéla CZE 15:15 

 9. Basset Isia FRA 15:17  

10. Horčičková Vendula CZE 15:23



 1. Kyburz Matthias SUI 14:14  

     Hubmann Martin SUI 14:14  

 3. Tranchand Frédéric FRA 14:16 

 4. Kyburz Andreas SUI 14:34    

 5. Král Vojtěch CZE 14:35    

 6. Kymäläinen Severi FIN 14:48  

 7. Kodeda Štěpán CZE 14:52 

 8. Simosas Otto FIN 14:54 

 9. Basset Lucas FRA 15:01 

10. Nykodým Miloš CZE 15:03 



Please find complete results and more information about the Championships at