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Home News 11th WUC Wrestling – Day 3 of Competitions

11th WUC Wrestling – Day 3 of Competitions

11 July 2014



PECS – The third competition day of the 11th World University Wrestling Championship was marked by the women competitions. Indeed, yesterday 10 July, only the women entered the mat to wrestle. And they did so in 6 weight categories: 53-58-60-63-69-75 kg.

In the 53 kg category, Moldovian Iulia Leorda was the best. In the final, she won against the American Amy Fearnside with10-0. “It was a really good competition with lots of fun. I had some strong opponents, like Brianne Barry in the first match. I would say that the final was not easy, but it also wasn’t an impossible task to win”, Leorda commented.

In the 58 kg category, the Hungarian Emese Barka was unbeatable. She had a good start against an Ukrainian wrestler, then she won against Jacarra Winchester from the USA. Barka’s opponent in the final was the Russian Oksana Nagornykh. “I felt OK during this world championship. The first match wasn’t so good, although I have won easily. I was really excited. The Ukrainian wrestler was in a really good shape, it wasn’t easy to beat her. Later I became more self-confident, I won the final relatively easily. I felt really happy to be able to win in Hungary”, the host country’s wrestler said.

In the 60 kg category, Mariia Liulkova from Russia was the best. She had a strong opponent in the final, Contante Rodrigues from Canada. “Everything went OK. I liked the championship and I am very happy with the gold medal. Pécs is a very nice city, I had the opportunity to visit some really beautiful places here.”

In the 63, 69 and 75 kg categories, the three gold medals went to Canada.

Danielle Lappage (CAN) was the best in the 63 kg category, beating the American Amanda Hendey.

In the 69 kg category, Dorothy Yeats (CAN) was outstanding in her weight category. “My mother is Hungarian, I have already been in Hungary twice, but it was the first time when I wrestled here. It was really good to hear Hungarian words almost everywhere. I found the organization really excellent, everything was fine. During the competitions, I usually have some problems with my stomach, but I am accustomed to Hungarian meals, as my mother usually cooks Hungarian dishes for me, so it wasn’t a problem. I didn’t know the other wrestlers, so I didn’t know what to expect. It was a good warm up for the upcoming world championship. And I am very happy because four Canadian girls could win the gold medal in women wrestling.” (Yesterday Jasmine Mian was the first in FW 48 kg.)

In the 75 kg category, Erica Wiebe (CAN) was the best from the eight wrestlers in her weight group beating Mae Epp (EST) to the gold. “Two years ago I couldn’t win in Finland, so I came here to win the gold medal anyhow. I love Hungary and this city, it is beautiful. It was so hot here, but the culture and the history of the city is fascinating. I love everything about Hungary, especially the food. I have many friends from wrestling, it was really good to meet them. I like hanging out with athletes.”

In the team competition of female wrestling Canada won with the four gold medals, the Russian Federation finished in second place, and the United States of America was the third. 


(Source: Tasi Timea, Media WUC Wrestling)



Ranking FW53kg

Ranking FW58kg

Ranking FW60kg

Ranking FW63kg

Ranking FW69kg

Ranking FW75kg