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Home News 10th WUC Archery – Day 1 of Competitions

10th WUC Archery – Day 1 of Competitions

4 July 2014



LEGNICA – The first competition day of the 10th World University Archery Championship finished yesterday, 3 July. The Qualification Rounds started punctually at 8 am. Qualification Rounds for individual recurve competitions at a distance of 70m and, individual compound at a distance of 50m. At 5 pm the Team Matches (each team was composed of one male and one female archer) started. The Bronze medalist of this competition is already known: the Italian team has gained two bronze medals, i.e. in recurve and in compound.

The Organizing Committee is very satisfied with the tournament. “So far, the cooperation between the Organizing Committee, FISU and the World Archery officials has been perfect. We support each other and the Organizing Committee will continue to maintain that process”, Event Manager Maciej Łaba commented.

The Media department of the Organizing Committee had a chat with Juraj Duchon, an archer from Slovakia. “Legnica is a nice place”, he said. There are many marvelous, worth seeing monuments here. My predictions? I consider the Republic of Korea a great contender, but my country wants to be in the semi-finals at least.” 

Today, 4 July, from 8 am, we will witness the Individual Matches. Recurve bow’s athletes will compete first, followed by the compound archers. At the end of the day we will know the  next bronze medalists.

All finals are scheduled on Saturday 5 July.



Results and live scores can be found here.


(Source: Dawid Kutryn, Media Officer WUC Archery)