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Home News Final Countdown for the 2014 WUC Wrestling

Final Countdown for the 2014 WUC Wrestling

16 June 2014


 Lauber Dezső sports hall, the WUC Wrestling venue

PECS – Less than one month left until the opening ceremony (8 July) of the 2014 WUC Wrestling (7-12 July) in Pécs, the preparations are going well. The University of Pécs, the Hungarian University Sports Federation, the Hungarian Wrestling Federation, the city of Pécs and the Pécsi Sport Nonprofit Zrt. contribute in the organization of the 11th World University Wrestling Championships, which is one of the most prestigious competitions held in Hungary this year.

The preparation work which started in 2011 when the city of Pécs was granted the right to host this championship arrived in its last phase. The OC inspected the venue (Lauber Dezső sports hall) which has been deliberately renovated for the 2014 WUC Wrestling and it also visited the lodging accomodation for the delegations. Competitors will be able to have a rest in the Szalay László dormitory, which is located near the Centre of Learning, the Kodály Centre and the city centre of Pécs. In 2010, the dormitory building was renovated also, so the participants will sleep in a very comfortable environment.

Pécs is ready!

Student-athletes from 30 countries are expected to compete, i.e. Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Israel, Japan, Kazahstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Poland, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, Sierra Leone, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine and United States of America.

The OC Secretary, Tamás Téczely confirmed accreditation has already started while the organizers are also preparing a very good cultural programme. György Kovács, HUSF Deputy Secretary-General verified the preparations are on schedule. One month before the event the city of Pécs has proven that it will be a perfect place for the 2014 WUC Wrestling and it is waiting to welcome all competitors.


(Source: Press Office 2014 WUC Wrestling Pécs)