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Home News Trentino Winter Universiade Crowdfunding project started

Trentino Winter Universiade Crowdfunding project started

6 August 2013

TRENTINO – As announced in May 2013, WU Trentino 2013 crowdfunding project recently started; it aims at collecting fundings at international level to be allocated for Italy’s biggest 2013 sports event collateral projects. This is the first time a crowdfundig campaign is applied to such an important sports happening, also using a specialised website as having as referent WU 2013 Organising Committee. It is taking place in Trentino on December 11-21 and will gather about 3.000 participants among athletes, technicians, and managers coming from 56 countries.




The main goals of the campaign are: 1) enhancing scientific projects selected by Trentino WU O.C. area dedicated to innovation and research and led by professor Paolo Bouquet; 2) funding entertainment initiatives dedicated to students taking part to the 26th Winter Universiade.

André Silva, the young Portuguese manager, holding also a degree from Nova School of Business and Economics (Lisbon, Portugal) managing the crowdfunding campaign, explains that Trentino WU proposes several project areas to be funded, all of which are listed both at and at All these areas are related to projects having a deep social impact, innovative research projects, entertaining events that will characterise the 11day-competition also supporting volunteers’ world. 

Once a supporter makes a contribution, he/she will be able to find his territory amongst many others within the logo of the Universiade, in a mechanism which allows different levels of visibility depending on the size of the contribution as well as the profile of the supporter (person, corporate). The higher the donation, the greater will be the area of the territory. This makes the contributor a “shareholder” of the event, thus allowing him to shape it by choosing a destination for his contribution.

Trentino 2013 crowdfunding project has a strong communicative value since it focuses the attention of million people in the world on 26th WU logo and on Trentino.

Furthermore, all the to-be-funded projects are no-profit ones. The idea of involving a crowd in the funding of this sports event aims at making this crowd psychologically part of Trentino WU’s organisative team. 

( Source: Trentino 2013 Winter Universiade )