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Home News Universiade shows Passionate Pre-Game Rituals

Universiade shows Passionate Pre-Game Rituals

11 July 2013

The Universiade has a unique pre-game ceremony …

KAZAN No matter the sport, every Universiade event has a similar pre-game ceremony and it is by no means an accident. It keeps in tact the core values that the Universiade represents, especially the fair play and respect that opposing players or teams should have for one another. It also allows the athletes at hand to be proudly shown off.

While the ceremony varies by sport, it remains similar. In individual events, like diving, the participants are marched out and introduced one-by-one.  It creates an electric atmosphere as it gives the energetic crowd a chance to cheer their fellow countryman or woman and show their appreciation. A gentle wave from the participant only adds to the excitement.

… that allows players to be cheered by the passionate fans.

Team sports have the starting line-ups announced ahead of time, but it’s done in an articulate way to allow the crowd to cheer between each player being called. While the biggest cheer comes when the final player is announced, meaning the team is complete, it also gives fans a chance to cheer their favourite player, whether they are a friend or a family member.

Then we experience the playing of ‘Gaudeamus Igitur’, which translates to ‘So Let Us Rejoice’. The FISU anthem creates a sense of spine tingling, much like when a national anthem is played before an event.

The pre-game ceremonies at the Universiade add on promoting the core values of student sport, and quite simply, that makes it fantastic.

Matt Tidcombe (CAN), FISU Young Reporter