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Home News Official Universiade Fans

Official Universiade Fans

10 July 2013

KAZAN With all of the athletes, delegates, officials, judges and volunteers at the 27th Summer Universiade in Russia, there are also certified fans.

During the first stage of the women’s teams table tennis competition, veteran Russian table tennis player Elena Troshneva said the energy coming from the stands could be felt. The impressions are very positive because the support of the crowd is felt very well, they cheer for us a lot and it does help.” When the repetitive play of the table tennis slowed down, a group of young spectators could be heard chanting and laughing and seen dancing.

Dedicated 17-year-old Ralina has come to Kazan just for the big occasion of the Universiade and is enjoying her role as a team leader of other student fans. “Here I’m in charge of spectator operations, so I’ll be at this venue until the end of the competitions.”

The group, who stood out in the bare stands, even busted out a synchronized choreographed dance when the music was turned up. “We had two rehearsals and tried to repeat the moves and memorize them.”

Ralina, who spoke on behalf of her contingent, said the majority of the group chose to apply for the position and had to work hard to become a volunteer because they wanted to be involved in showcasing Russia to the world. “The Universiade is bringing all people together, and it’s great! Together we are the power, and you feel the support of the people. Plus you are always meeting new friends.”

Within the 40 strong group of young faces was also Danil, a 17-year-old Aircraft Production student from the Samara State Air and Space University. He was pumped up to be supporting his nation during his holidays. “Everyone wants to be here. The volunteers, the security guys too, and the cheerleaders, everyone who comes here wants to be here.”

The official fans can be seen chanting and cheering for Russia throughout the 13 days of Universiade competition.


Thomas Dullard (AUS), FISU Young Reporter