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Home News AUSF Delegates inspect Future Host Cities

AUSF Delegates inspect Future Host Cities

10 May 2013

3rd AUBV: Inspection Visit

JIAONAN – On 7 May, Mr. SHEN Zhen, Director of Federation of University Sports of China (FUSC), Ms. Laura YAN, General Coordinator of AUSF and Mr. XU Hui, Manager of Administration Office of AUSF Secretariat paid a visit in Jiaonan, the city that will host the 3rd Asian University Beach Volleyball Championship in July 2014. The inspection group was accompanied by Mr. GE Weimin, Director of Jiaonan Tourism Administration, Mr. PENG Jinzhao, Vice-Director of Jiaonan Tourism Administration and other members from Sports Administration. The inspection visit included 2 sessions: progress report from the OC and on-site inspection. Mr. ZHAI Chengzhu, the Technical Delegate (TD) nominated by Asian Volleyball Confederation and Mr. SUN Guomin, Secretary-General of the Volleyball Branch of FUSC were also invited to join the inspection.

The inspection group listened to the progress report made by Mr. PANG Jinzhao. He debriefed the preparation of the championship from the following aspects: the setup of the OC, transportation, catering, accommodation, competition facilities and venues, medical service, security service, media etc. The working group inspected the venues, where there is a main court for the final match and several other courts for competition and training.


Inspection Visit to the Bidding City of AUSF Championships

LONGKOU – On 8 May, the inspection party paid a visit in Longkou City, another city in Shandong Province. Longkou city is located at the northeastern part of Shandong Province, about 224km away from Qingdao Liuting International Airport and 18 km away from the sea. It has a beautiful beach and has numerous sports facilities, especially the golf course. Longkou city also has great experience in hosting golf championships, and won the 10-year hosting rights of the PGA Tour China last year. The Local Government has great intentions to bid for AUSF Championships, hence the presence of the AUSF delegates who presented AUSF and its events. The AUSF delegates also inspected the golf course and driving range.

The inspection group will present their reports at the next AUSF Executive Committee meeting to be held on 18 May in Singapore.

Visit for more information.


(Source: AUSF Secretariat)