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Home News 2015 SU Update: SU Director satisfied with Preparations

2015 SU Update: SU Director satisfied with Preparations

17 October 2012

FISU staff members Zhao, Vandenplas & Stallecker with GUOC representative Songhwa Han

GWANGJU – Marc Vandenplas, FISU Director for the Summer Universiade expressed his satisfaction after completing the inspection visit on the preparations of the 2015 Gwangju Summer Universiade. He evaluated the preparation progress of Gwangju Summer Universiade as “Impressed.”

Upon arriving in Gwangju, Korea on the night of October 9th, the FISU inspection delegates began inspection on overall functional areas including event operation and management from the next morning for six days and had meetings with staff in charge of event operation, stadium construction and repair/maintenance, Athletes’ Village, transportation, IT, accommodation, security, volunteers and cultural events. In addition, they had 19 venue visits for 21 sports as part of the inspection on the preparation progress.

“I appreciate the efforts of the Gwangju Organizing Committee for their speedy preparation during the short period and hope that the FISU and the OC will closely work for further cooperation”, Marc Vandenplas commented. He also added that Gwangju will get useful advice from the International Technical Committee (CTI) during its meeting scheduled in November this year.

“FISU inspection delegates always emphasize the partnership and friendship between the OC and the FISU, which means that we have to share knowledge and exchange opinions on the Universiade”, a staff member of GUOC said. He was confident that Gwangju will make the best Universiade ever through close cooperation with the FISU.

Meanwhile, the FISU CTI inspection will begin from November 25th to December 10th, 2012 and a large group of inspection delegates comprising of about 35 members including the representatives of the FISU secretariat and members of 21 technical committees will visit Gwangju, Korea.


(Source: GUOC)