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Home News Interview: Adeline Gray (USA) World Champion and World University Champion

Interview: Adeline Gray (USA) World Champion and World University Champion

5 October 2012

Adeline Gray (USA), World Champion & World University ChampionKUORTANE – The last and highest category for women’s free style was 72 kg and this class also had only 6 participants overall. The strongest competitors of the class were Canadian Erica Wiebe and American Adeline Gray.

21-year-old Gray is a fresh Senior 2012 FILA World Champion in women’s free style under 67 kg from last week. The World Championship tournament took place in Edmonton, Canada September 27.-29., only days before the World University Wrestling Championship started at Kuortane.

Gray was born and raised in Denver, Colorado. She started wrestling at the age of 6 which leaves her with years of experience. Gray was determined about the outcome of the week.

“My goal is of course to win. I came directly from the World Championships so obviously it has been rough to compete and travel with such a tight schedule but that doesn’t change my goals. “

Coming from the top championship level to participate in the university level could be tough to adjust to regarding the changes and mindset but Gray was positive about the experience.

“In comparison, the Senior World Championship level is different in a sense that there is more pressure to take on. Here, in addition to the matches, I get to spend time with my teammates and relax when I’m not wrestling so this feels more light-hearted. I also love the Finnish nature here, it’s really beautiful.”

At the World Championships Gray wrestled in lighter weight, 67 kg, category but now took on Erica Wiebe in the gold medal match in the under 72 kg and added another gold medal to her collection.

“It was really exciting that I had Erica in the final to go against because I lost to her this Summer at the 2012 Canada Cup in the under 74 kg category. Felt really good going in to the match and getting that second chance after the Summer. Now I’m just ready to go home and start celebrating both of these victories and eventually of course start setting new goals”.


(Source: OC & Julien Buhajezuk, WUC Asst.)