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Home News 5th WUC Canoe Sprint concluded in Kazan

5th WUC Canoe Sprint concluded in Kazan

3 September 2012

KAZAN Emotions and cold-blooded premeditation, teamwork and individual will to win – a true, uncompromised, but fair battle unfolded in the Rowing Centre’s water area. During three competition days up to 150 best kayakers and canoeists from 18 countries hit the water and used their paddles to take their boats to the finish line, to the victory. The weather failed the organisers a little bit; there was a piercing wind and cold rain for two days out of three. But the capricious weather couldn’t prevent the strongest team – Poland – from winning eight golds, 4 silvers and two bronzes. Russia placed second, although judging by the first medal events, it seemed that the host nation would not make it to the top three spots of the medals table.

Nikolay Mordvin, Deputy Secretary General of the All-Russian Kayak-Canoe Federation and Director of the 5th WUC Canoe Sprint, mentioned the tendency that Russian athletes adhere to. “Traditionally our national teams perform better on the last day and there was a similar situation during the Olympics,” he said. “We all would like to top the overall team standings, but sport is sport, we will do our best to win next year.”

In terms of a total number of earned medals, the Russians are first, they took 18 medals, while the winners – Poland – earned 14, but Russia’s seven golds allowed it to settle only for the official second place in the overall medals table. The hosts have more silvers (six medals) and bronzes (five medals). Ukraine finished third with four golds, one silver and two bronzes. Athletes from Belarus, Hungary, France, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Moldova and Italy also claimed medals of various colours.

EC member Marian Dymalski receives the FISU flag from the OC

As for the championship’s management, it was a success, the experience of the Russian University Championship which took place at the Rowing Centre a few weeks earlier brought results and the WUC’s level imposes certain obligations. As Ranko Tepavcevic, Deputy Director General of the Kazan 2013 Executive Directorate informed the championship that has come to an end proceeded according to the FISU Regulations which almost coincides with the Minimum Requirement for the 27th Summer Universiade in Kazan. “Right after the national championship we had only two weeks for the preparations for the WUC. We did our best to make people involved to understand their roles and to make all to interact and remain in full contact for mutual assistance. Besides, we tested and brought all services to perfection.” Ranko Tepavcevic also thanked the staff that was engaged in making the sporting event happen and expressed his gratitude to all services involved: rescuers, medical aid providers, anti-doping services and others and stressed that all performed their roles excellently.

The test event ahead of the 27th Summer Universiade came to an end. But in one week the Rowing Centre will play host to the 12th World University Rowing Centre, and best student shooters will compete for top places on the podium in the 4th World University Sport Shooting Championship. And all of them, best of the best, will meet again during the World University Summer Games which is due to come to Kazan in less than 10 months.


(Source: Media Department of Kazan 2013 Executive Directorate)