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Home News First 2 Legacy Projects of 2012 WUC Futsal accomplished

First 2 Legacy Projects of 2012 WUC Futsal accomplished

23 July 2012

BRAGA As part of the legacy projects for the 2012 WUC Futsal, the University of Minho signed an agreement with the Football Association of Braga (AFB) which aims to train young referees for Futsal recruited among students of the University. AFB has a representative on the Organizing Committee of the WUC Futsal and is also involved in the recruitment and training of volunteers for the event. As part of the annual Sports Gala of the University of Minho, this protocol was signed by Carlos Silva, Administrator of the Social Services of the University of Minho and Manuel Machado, President of the AFB.

Also as a part of the legacy of the 2012 WUC Futsal, last June 8 was held in the Sports Complex of the University of Minho, a futsal celebrity game, with the purpose of delivering a symbolic presentation of funds raised for APPACDM, an association that works with children with mental disabilities.

The futsal game in benefit of APPACDM, was organized by the Secondary School of Póvoa de Lanhoso, with the collaboration of the University of Minho and several secondary schools, receiving also the support of the organisation of the 2012 World University Futsal Championship in Braga. This game was also part of the Connecting Classrooms international project (CC), sponsored by the British Council with support of the Portuguese Ministry of Education. This international partnership is comprised between schools in Greece, Czech Republic, Portugal and the UK (London). This is a project directed to the issues of multiculturalism, inclusion and promotion of the values of tolerance, solidarity and respect for human rights.

In the end, it was a great party that the organisation offered to the “APPACDM – Braga” 1,858 Euros, exactly the number of spectators attending the game. Each one offered an euro to this cause.

In a game with many goals and excitement, here are the team’s rosters:

“We are in Solidarity” – Jorge Bráz (Coach of the Portuguese Futsal Team), Agostinho Oliveira (Former Coach of the Under-21 National Football Team); Neno (Former Portuguese International Goalkeeper), Rui Tata (Fair Play Soccer School), João Cardoso (Former player of SCBraga Football Team), Barroso (former player of SCBraga Football Team) 3 students connected to the Connecting Classrooms project.

“We are also Solidarity” – Pedro Dias (Vice-President of the Portuguese Football Federation), Jorge Borges (Coach of the Águas Santas – 1st League Handball Team), Carlos Resende (Coach of the ABC – 1st League Handball Team); Armando Tapes (Dance Teacher), Melissa Antunes (Football and Futsal Portuguese International), Carlos Silva (Administrator of SASUM); Hélder Castro (President of the University of Minho Students Union), Fernando Parente (Director of the Department of Sports and Cultural of SASUM), José Mendes (Vice-Rector of UMinho), Pedro Camões (Administrator of UMinho) and Luis Rodrigues (President of the LOC WUCFutsal and WUCChess 2012).


(Source: 2012 WUC Futsal OC)

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