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Home News Inspection Visit in Trentino

Inspection Visit in Trentino

12 July 2012


TRENTINO – On July 11, 2012 the FISU delegates Roger ROTH, CTI Chair, Ola SUNDEKVIST, CT Chair for Snowboarding and Milan AUGUSTIN, Director WU paid an inspection visit to Trentino to meet the responsible people from the Organising Committee of the 2013 WU led by Sergio ANESI, President of OC; Filippo BAZANELA, General Coordinator of OC; Andro Ferrari, sport director of OC and technicians from Monte Bondone where the Snowboard and Freestyle skiing will be held.

The purpose of this visit was to finalize the whole sport infrastructure for every event of Snowboarding and Freestyle. The technicians like Luca TOMARELI (responsible for ski resort Monte Bondone), Paolo FAZZI (responsible for construction in Monte Bondone), Davide CERATO (responsible for Snow Parks structure and design), Maurizio BRANDALISE( Technical Chief of ski resort Monte Bondone and responsible for snow making system) presented the overall project to find the best solution for the upcoming WU 2013 taking into their consideration also the legacy of this ski resort. 

During this working session all delegates have studied in detail the entire project and at the end of the day the relevant decisions have been made by both parties. Ola SUNDEKVIST pointed the importance of having a high level competition where the international requirements of FIS have to be fully kept. 

The FISU delegates also visited the provisional office in inTrento. The official headquarters of the 2013 WUOC will be finished by the end of this year.

Tomorrow the FISU delegates will meet the technicians and administrators in the Lago Tesero where the Nordic skiing events will be organized. 


(Source: Milan Augustin, WU Director)