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Home News 18th WUC Orienteering: Opening Ceremony

18th WUC Orienteering: Opening Ceremony

3 July 2012


Mayor Alicante & A. GageaALICANTE – On July 2nd from 7:30pm, the opening ceremony took place in the Park “Lo Torrent in San Vicente” in Alicante and after the parade of all countries in the street, the ceremony began with the welcome speech from Manuel Palomar, Rector of the University of Alicante and President of the LOC, followed by a speech of the FISU

representative, Adrian Gagea and the official opening of the 18th edition of the WUC Orienteering 2012.

Many authorities were present for this ceremony, with Dna.Luisa Pastor, President of the Province and Mayor of Alicante and representatives of the Mayor of Santa Pola and Tibi.



The protocol part was followed by an extraordinary spectacle from the “Carros de Foç”, a show and street theater company created in 1994 by Miguel Angel Martin. This company produces giant mobile sculptures.

After this great moment, the delegations returned to their hotel, in preparation of the long day of competition of July 3rd, starting at 8:30am with long distance competition.


 Concerning the CISCA, they were invited to an official dinner where Mr. Gagea on behalf of FISU, had the opportunity to offer FISU plaque and medals to the Counsellor of Sports of Tibi, Esteban Cremades, to the Councillior of Sports of Santa Pola City, Mr.Francisco martin Molina, to the Councillor of sports of Alicante City, Mrs.Tere Gomez Merino, to the Councillior of Valendia, Mr.Arturo Ruiz Gonzalez, to the mayoress of San Vicente del Raspeig represented by Mr.Antonio Carbonell the first Mayor, Mrs.Luisa Pastor Lillo and to the President of the University of Alicante, Mr.Carlos Cortes.


(Source: Nicole Mangelschots, FISU Staff)