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Home News Yilan County Ready for 11th WUC Triathlon

Yilan County Ready for 11th WUC Triathlon

29 June 2012

YILAN – The 11th World University Triathlon Championship will take place from June 29th to 30th, 2012 in Yilan, Chinese Taipei. Before the event starts, the Yilan OC invited some officials and triathletes to attend a press conference that took place at 10:00 a.m. local time yesterday, June 28th.

The Magistrate of Yilan CoMartin Doultonunty, Mr. Lin Tsung-Hsien thanked all the competitors, judges, and officials to join this event, and said that it is the right weather for this outdoor activity- triathlon. He hoped the citizens of Yilan will come to encourage all the competitors. After this championship, Yilan will host the International Children’s Folklore and Folk Games Festival.

Mr. Martin Doulton, member of the FISU Executive Committee, said that there are 3 guarantees of Yilan to hold this event- professional, unique hospitality and culture. The FISU Technical Chair for Triathlon, Mr. Dieter Bremer, also mentioned that this will be the one of the best competition among the past 20 years.

Some quotes from the participants

Fischer Carlyn, triathlete from South Africa: ‘This is my first time to Chinese Taipei, but unfortunately I don’t have much time to look around. However, I find the people here very friendly and hospitable, and Yilan is a lovely county.’

Chang Luo-Yi, from TPE: ‘This is the second time I participates in this competition, and since it’s in my home country, I am more ambitious than last time.’ 


(Source: OC)