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Home News 2012 WUC Boxing Update: FISU Delegation meets ATUC

2012 WUC Boxing Update: FISU Delegation meets ATUC

22 June 2012

The FISU delegation received by Mr Sattar S. Mehbaliyev, Member of the Parliament and Chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation

BAKUDuring the preparatory working meeting and inspection visit, the FISU delegation composed by WUC CTI Chair Leonz Eder, WUC Director Paulo Ferreira and CT Chair Boxing Eduard Abdumanov was invited to a meeting in the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC) which is responsible for the organisation of international sports events. The Freewill Student Sport Society of Azerbaijan (GENJLIK) operates also under the umbrella of the ATUC. Mr Sattar S. Mehbaliyev, The 1st FISU event ever held in Azerbaijan attracts a lot of mediaMember of the Parliament and Chairman of ATUC, highlighted the importance of international contacts and competitions in Azerbaijan which hosted already many international events, mainly in the most popular sports such as boxing, wrestling and football. He stressed the fact that ATUC, with the support of the National Olympic Committee, chaired by the President of the country, Mr Ilham Aliyev, is fully involved in the organisation of the 2012 WUC Boxing.

FISU Vice-President Leonz Eder thanked Mr Mehbaliyev for the opportunity to host a first FISU event in Azerbaijan. He explained the goals of FISU, gave an overview of the FISU activities in the fields of sport and education and underlined the importance for FISU to be present in the countries of Central Asia.

(Source: Leonz Eder, Vice-President)

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