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Home News 2012 WUC Boxing Update: Baku working hard for its Inaugural Event

2012 WUC Boxing Update: Baku working hard for its Inaugural Event

22 June 2012

The FISU delegates with the OC

BAKU Following the decision of the Executive Committee to attribute the World University Boxing Championship to Baku (Azerbaijan) after the organization withdrawal from the previous attributed host, it seemed to be sure that this year no WUC Boxing would be held. However, FISU was soon after asked about this competition, already stepping into its 5th edition.

The FISU member federation in Azerbaijan, the Freewill Student Sport Society of Azerbaijan (GENJLIK), moved quickly to prepare a bid for the World University Boxing Championship and formally submit it for approval to the EC. Being one of the most popular sports in this country bordered by the Caspian Sea, this proves to be perfect match as it will be the first ever FISU competition to be staged in the country and the region.

FISU recognized the importance and willingness shown and a preliminary inspection visit was setup, led by FISU VP Leonz Eder who was accompanied the WUC Director Paulo Ferreira and CT Chair for Boxing Eduard Abdulmanov.

The proposed competition venue

GENJLIK President, Mr Tofig Khanaliyev, and Head of the International Department Ms Bika Gurbanova accompanied the FISU delegation throughout a number of work meetings, starting with the Organising Committee represented by Mr Abiyev Aghajan Gulam, Rector of the Azerbaijan State Academy by Physical Education and Sport. Mr Aghajan, a former renowned boxer and who is currently Secretary General of National Olympic Committee of Azerbaijan, VP of the European Boxing Confederation and AIBA EC member, is highly experienced in organizing boxing events and now with FISU, many specific event areas were diHandshake after signing the contract: Aghajan Agbiyev, Leonz Eder & Tofiq Khanaliyevscussed.

The Delegation visited the competition venue and the FISU CT chair Mr. Abdulmanov performed a thorough check up on many details with the OC and GENJLIK representatives. This procedure was also carried out at the two hotels designated to receive the competition participants in November. Likewise, all is smoothly falling into position on the run-up to the event.

The formal signing of the 5th World University Boxing Championship contract also took place during this preliminary visit, with all parties involved being extremely satisfied with this important step for Azerbaijan, for GENJLIK and naturally for FISU.

The main focus of the OC will now be the promotion of the competition by contacting the FISU member federations. Despite the short time available, expectations are high and the goal will nonetheless be to reach record participation figures.


(Source: Paulo Ferreira, WUC Director)

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