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Home News 1st Asian University Futsal Championship kicks off

1st Asian University Futsal Championship kicks off

14 June 2012

AUSF President ZHANG Xinsheng (c) & Mr. Mollabashi, the Ministry Councilor (l)

TEHRAN The Opening Ceremony for three simultaneous events, the 1st Asian University Futsal Championship, the International Sports Science Conference of Asian Universities, and the meeting of the Asian University Executive Board took place in the Olympic Hotel, on the morning of June 7th, with the presence of AUSF President ZHANG Xinsheng, AUSF Senior Vice President AL-HAI Omar A., AUSF Secretary General CHOW Kenny, AUSF Vice Secretary General XUE Yanqing, AUSF Assessors PRAYOONPAT Preecha and JARGALSAIKHAN Dorjsuren, AUSF General Coordinator Laura YAN. Besides AUSF representatives, the participants were from a wide range of Iran NUSF directors, academic staffs, university students and the participant teams. In this spirited ceremony, the different participant teams marched successively through the audiences to the front and were applauded by the audience.

After the march in, several speeches were delivered by Mohammad Keshtidar, the President of Physical Education Administration of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology and the Secretary of the 1ST Asian University Futsal Championship, Mr. Mahdi Talebpour, the President of the University Sports Federation of Iran and the President of the Physical Sports Institute, Mr. ZHANG Xinsheng, AUSF President, Mr. Mollabashi, the Ministry Councilor and the President of the University Students Organization, and Mr. Asadi, the Director General of the 3rd International Sports Science Conference.  

In his speech, Mohammad Keshtidar on behalf of the Organizing Committee said that these 3 AUSF events have been made possible with close cooperation of all higher education organizations, including the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology, the Ministry of Health, and Medical Education, and all universities. “I hope we display a high quality championship via this cooperation”, he said. On behalf of AUSF, President ZHANG Xinsheng expressed the heartfelt gratitude to the Organizing Committee for their great efforts to make these 3 events happen and to all the participants for their presence. He said, “Iran is an important country geographically and with splendid civilization. I hope all the participants can enjoy the stay in Iran and know more about the Persian culture.” Mr. Mollabashi, the Ministry Councilor, as the representative of the Minister, declared the opening of the futsal championship and the conference.

After the Opening Ceremony, some lively performances, like the traditional folk wrestling, were presented to all the audiences. The Opening Ceremony was live broadcasted by the Iranian TV Station.

More info on the conference and championship can be found at

(Source: Laura YAN, AUSF General Coordinator)

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