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Home News 2013 WU Update: CTI visit in Trentino, day 2

2013 WU Update: CTI visit in Trentino, day 2

21 April 2012

The snow group inspecting the downhill venue in Passo de San Pellegrino


CTI Meeting in Trentino Day 2


It was already the second and last day of inspection today in the splendid Trentino region.

All the FISU CT Chairs involved in the winter Universiade had a very busy agenda. Indeed, the Organizing Committee of the 2013 Winter Universiade prepared a full inspection program in order to offer to the CT Chairs the opportunity to visit almost all the sport venues scheduled for our next winter games.

Trentino has a very long tradition in the organization of winter sport events. It is a very popular winter sports center and each and every winter a long list of International, national and local competitions are held in the various ski resorts. Competitions like the FIS Nordic Ski World Championships, Alpine Ski World Cups, Freestyle Ski world Championships, Snowboarding World Championships were organized in Trentino.


Trentino offer high quality infrastructures with 1,500 hotels (95,000 beds) welcoming more than 5 million tourists per year coming from 40 countries.

Our CT Chairs were invited to visit the sports venues in Trento, Baselga di Piné, Pergine Valsugana, Monte Bondone, Predazzo, Cavalese, Val di Fassa, Passo di San Pelegrino, etc…


A meeting was organized after this full day of inspections in order to get the first impressions and comments from our technical delegates. And the comments were positive. Of course we all know that the people here have the know-how and that the FISU competitions will be in good hands.


In the name of FISU, Kairis Ulp, CSU Chair for Winter Universiade and Roger Roth, CTI chair for the Winter Universiade took this opportunity to thank the Trentino OC and especially Sergio Anesi, the Universiade Coordinator for their excellent preparation.


Next CTI meeting will be held in Trentino in February 2013 during the FIS Nordic Skiing World Cup which will serve as a “test event” for the Universiade.

(Words and pictures by Yvan Dufour)






From left to right: Zofia Kielpinska, CT Chair for cross country skiing, Jeanette Johnston, CT Chair for curling and Marie Lundmark, CT Chair for figure skating



Roger Roth and Kairis Ulp with Marta Dalo Maso, Minister of Sport and Tourism form the Trentino Region (second from the right), together with Sergio anesi, Universiade Coordinator