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Home News 2012 FISU Forum Debriefing

2012 FISU Forum Debriefing

3 April 2012

Kolë Gjeloshaj with the OC members


TAIPEI CITY – On April 3rd, in Taipei City, Kole Gjeloshaj, Director of Educational Services of FISU, had a debriefing meeting with the staff of the Chinese Taipei University Sports Federation (CTUSF) that organized the 11th edition of the FISU Forum from March 26th to 31st.

The debriefing was an excellent opportunity to thank the staff and to analyze, functional area by functional area what can be improved for the next FISU Forum. On the perspective of the CTUSF, it was a new FISU event to be added to the long list of World University Championships they organized sop far. The experience of theFISUForum will also benefit for the preparation of the 2017 Universiade in Taipei. FISU also underlined the excellent contribution and involvement of the 30 volunteers of the Forum. The volunteers were split in two groups: an administrative group and a media group.

The 201 participants from 60 FISU member associations enjoyed the debates, lectures, sports and cultural activities prepared for them by the FISU Educational Committee chaired by Alison Odell, FISU Executive Committee member. On the FISU side no less than 40 members of the FISU Family including the FISU President attended the only FISUevent in which the young leaders (students or junior staff) of our federations may prepare them self to lead their respective federations in a near future.

The next Forum will take place in Gwangju, Republic of Korea in March 2014.


(Source: Kolë Gjeloshaj, Director Educational Services)


Mrs Odell with volunteers



Media volunteers