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Home News 2012 FISU Forum: Overview of day 6 – Closing Ceremony

2012 FISU Forum: Overview of day 6 – Closing Ceremony

1 April 2012

TAIPEI CITY – The final day of the 11th FISU Forum started with the cultural programme activity. This time, the OC prepared a visit to the Pavilion of Dreams, a lasting legacy from the 2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition. The structure displays local cutting-edge technology associated to floral motifs.

Cultural programme ‘Pavilion of Dreams’ at a previous edition of the FISU Forum

The FISU Forum attendants were amazed by the 5.5-ton artificial flower hanging from the ceiling and that responding to music beats, as well as the flat screens using lenticular imaging showcasing 3D images of flowers, without the need to use special glasses. Similarly, all visitors were astonished by the 3-meter-tall liquid crystal glass panel wall showing lifelike projections of flowers in the wild. 
Following the cultural programme and after a deserved break after the intense sports activities of the previous day, the FISU Forum delegates prepared for the Closing Ceremony. This took place at the Chinese Culture University and had a breath-taking view of Taipei City and surrounding landscape.

Cultural performance by students of the Chinese Cultural University
The closing ceremony started with a welcome speech by CESU Chair Ms Alison Odell, followed suit by presentations of Sami Garabedian and Leopold G. Senghor on the Forum evaluation results, and Ms Renata Bojczuk and Makhosandile Majeke addressing the Students Committee conclusions for the Forum. Ms Odell gave the final address on the general conclusions of the Forum.

A cultural performance followed before the next speaker was invited on stage. Mr Yoon-suk Kim, Secretary General of the 2015 Summer Universiade and at the same time of the 2014 FISU Forum that will also take place in Gwangju, Korea. Mr Kim delivered an excellent presentation of the upcoming Forum, addressing key areas as accommodation, transportation or registration, as well as the legacy concept behind the Forum.

The 60 participating countries at the FISU Forum were then called upon to receive the diplomas and this was followed by closing messages. The handing over of the FISU flag from the current Forum organizers to CESU Chair Ms Odell who, together with FISU President Claude-Louis Gallien, in turn passed it the 2014 Gwangju Forum organising committee representative Mr. Kim.

Handing over of FISU flag to 2014 Forum organisers

The FISU President, Claude-Louis Gallien then delivered his closing remarks and brought the 11th FISU Forum to a close with a farewell dinner at the Chinese Culture University.

Pleased audience attending the Closing Ceremony



(Source: Paulo Ferreira, WUC Executive Assistant)

FISU President Gallien


Fiji representative with CESU chair Odell 


2014 Forum presentation by Mr Yoon-suk Kim