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Home News 2012 FISU Forum: Opening Ceremony starts-off the FISU Forum

2012 FISU Forum: Opening Ceremony starts-off the FISU Forum

26 March 2012

FISU flag at the Opening Ceremony


TAIPEI CITY – A full house assisted the fantastic opening ceremony in the Howard Civil Service International House, in Taipei City, as the FISU Forum officially got underway. The formality met expectations as and really set the pace for the schedule planned with presentations, workshops, meetings and conversation between all attendants.


The ceremony started with the initial introductions, starting off with the welcome speech by the mayor of Taipei, Mr Lung-Bin Han, who welcomed all the Forum participants and wished the delegations present a great week. He also expressed his hope that attendants would take the time to experience the Chinese Taipei beauty, people and culture.


The welcome speech from FISU President Claude-Louis Gallien was also one of welcoming all the participants and underlined the reason of this important FISU event in one word – communication. He heartedly thanked Taipei City for providing an excellent reception to all participants and looks forward to the 2017 Summer Universiade in Taipei.


Dr. Hsia-Ling Tai, Minister of Sports Affairs Council, also delivered some welcome words, stating that this was a very important event for Taipei City and wished the all the visiting delegations a great experience at the Forum. 


Opening ceremony audience  


This was followed by the presentation of countries registered at the 11th edition of the FISU Forum, a total of 68 countries. The highlight of the ceremony was without a doubt the cultural performances that were put on, with the local groups performing three amazing shows that drew constant applause from the audience.


The Forum can be followed through live streaming at 



(Source: Paulo Ferreira, WUC Executive Assistant)


FISU President Gallien


Excellent level cultural programme