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Home News FISU Forum 2012: Interview with Ching-Yu Tseng, CTUSF Secretary General

FISU Forum 2012: Interview with Ching-Yu Tseng, CTUSF Secretary General

23 March 2012

CTUSF Secretary General Ching-Yu Tseng

Taipei – With days three days to go to the Opening Ceremony of the 11th FISU Forum, the Organising Committee is in full swing with the final preparations. The person leading the dedicated troops is Mr. Ching-Yu Tseng, Secretary General of the Chinese Taipei University Sports Federation (CTUSF). Having been born in Hsinchu, Mr. Tseng joined CTUSF in 2004 and undertook the responsibilities of Vice-Secretary General. In 2009 he was entrusted with leading the federation as Secretary General, a position he holds still.


We sat with Mr. Tseng to find out a bit more about the reasons behind the bid for the FISU Forum and also the expectations and impact of this event. In Taiwan, the main focus of CTUSF is to assist in the training of their athletes’ technical skills, competing in events abroad and this way improving themselves through these contacts. Complementary to this, the federation wants to contribute to the development of the educational skills of the athletes, coaches and officials. The FISU Forum is based on the educational system, not only training the athletes/coaches in university but returning the opportunities back the university. These are the main motivational reasons for CTUSF to host the FISU Forum.


Concerning the registrations received, the entries so far are satisfactory considering the location of the event [in Asia]. The Secretary General relayed to the many FISU events that the federation has hosted as past experience support and that now most of the work focus has been on 2017 Summer Universiade. However, naturally the Forum has been brought to the frontline because it is a different event [educational]. It is also the first time that CTUSF is connecting with student communities and the federation wants to maintain and develop this relation. He hopes that due to the FISU Forum, Taiwan can maintain closer relationships with participating countries as there has not been the opportunity to meet them before in this educational frame.


We asked about the expectations for the upcoming week and Mr. Tseng was resolute “As OC we hope to give the attendants the best services here in accommodation, food, transportation, etc. Also to share the historical culture at the National Palace Museum, show everyone the meaning of Amazing Taiwan and let them experience Chinese culture in Taiwan”. Given that since 2004, CTUSF has organized many WUC, the Secretary General considers that each event is a test for the federation and each time is a chance to continue to develop at national and international levels.


For the federation, Mr. Tseng considers the FISU Forum a very good experience for putting together employees, volunteers and also teachers to work together in the same direction and to develop their organizing skills. He added that CTUSF is at this stage when it is very a popular federation at national level and with the Government [due to 2017 SU attribution], securing more funding and gaining a better position of influence. “We hope to extend this positioning to other federations and hope to use all the events we organize for this purpose”. Regarding the volunteers, the Forum is seen as an excellent opportunity due to the experience they get through the training and the communication chances with other countries. Improving the level of the volunteers and their skills to international levels is considered highly beneficial to all sport federations in Taipei.


The message Mr. Tseng leaves is the wish that the Forum assist in developing sports at national and international levels. He hopes that the event turns out to be a memorable experience to all countries and wishes that CTUSF can follow the steps of the more advanced countries, while at the same time being considered a role model for other countries. “We hope to be a standard for them, assisting in their growth and also our capacity to contribute”.


The goal of the OC is to provide the easiest and most convenient way to all participants in all aspects like the food, or in terms of transportation, etc. “Make your stay in Taipei as if you are staying at home”. Mr. Tseng also underlined the cultural programme associated to the event, saying “The museum will show the history, tradition and culture of Taiwan, and the farewell party will take place in a beautiful location with stunning views, so when [the participants are] enjoying the party, everyone can see the beautiful view of Taipei City by night and fully understand the Amazing Taipei feeling”.


(Source: Paulo Ferreira, WUC Executive Assistant)



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